Tag Archives: like-the-idea

#Tesscense: Tessa Thompson Covers The November Issue Of ESSENCE Magazine

Credit: Brian To/WENN.com Tessa Thompson Graces The Cover Of ESSENCE Magazine To some it may seen like Tessa Thompson became an IT girl overnight, but she’s been one of Hollywood’s hidden gems for a many years, and folks are finally starting to give credit where it’s due. The Creed II star covered Essence Magazine’s November issue and opened up about everything from working with women in Hollywood to broadening the perspectives of how women of color are portrayed in the media. In her cover story “London Calling”, Tessa told the mag, “Obviously, I like the idea of expanding perceptions of what a woman can be and what a woman of color can be. I like to introduce new space.” The beautiful images were shot by 20-year old photog Shaniqwa Jarvis who’s worked with everyone from NIKE to Supreme. Tessa definitely enjoyed working with Jarvis, telling Essence, “It feels really refreshing to be shot by a woman. Actresses are so often subject to the male gaze. The highest sense of praise and honor is being seen by a woman and feeling acceptance from other Black women, just a sense of camaraderie and collaboration. That, to me, is so profound.” Catch the full dope interview, written by Cori Murray, on stands October 26.

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#Tesscense: Tessa Thompson Covers The November Issue Of ESSENCE Magazine

Lena Dunham Obesity Nudes of the Day

Dude… This is the second time the now man Lena Dunham has made me fucking gag with her smut that for some reason doesn’t get her deleted off social media for being offensive, pornographic and most importantly fucking DISGUSTING. I don’t know how some fat rich girl who journaled ended up being a celebrity in her own right, with an opinion people actual care to listen to or get inspired by, when everyone with a brain can just fuck see her for the fat chick she is…. I don’t know why people agreed to let the fat exhibitionist, who clearly is missing a few things beyond just her uterus…in terms of her mental capacity….the flasher who people cheer on who keeps flasing… But I do know that her fucking naked, on her show or in life now that there is no show, is fucking vile…and should not be celebrated, and should be covered up…we have standards to uphold and just because you can get naked, or don’t mind exploiting yourself, because you get off on it, since you don’t have to look at it, doesn’t mean it’s decent behavior… Everyone in the world has the capabilities of being naked, but not all of us do it because we know we are gross.. Not to mention, how is this any different than a dude pulling his dick out in a hotel room for people to see…is it cuz it’s for her followers, her self expression, I didn’t consent to this…so I call it rape. Not to mention she’s more man than woman, so this is clearly just an example of toxic masculinity trying to rape us all.. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Lena Dunham Obesity Nudes of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Lena Dunham Obesity Nudes of the Day

Nina Agdal Tits Ready for Burning Man of the Day

Nina Agdal is a full retard. Like full downs syndrome….but she pretends she’s not, even though she clearly looks like she is, and you can try to hide that retardness, but you can’t fool us all…clever retard.. You may remember her as the first Sports Illustrated model with Downs Syndrome….who never advertised her handicap because she’s handicapable…she went on to be Leo’s first Downs Syndrome girlfriend because rich people are fucking weird and when hot pussy is thrown their way enough – they need variety – it’s the spice of life… Well she got dumped, because no one wants to marry a retard gold digging opportunist slut, and has gone onto other rich guys who like the idea of a retard swim model…and now she’s at Burning Man…a total burner dude.. I have opinions of how lame or terrifying and uninteresting something like Burning man is to me…it’s the worst sort of nightmare..being in the desert camping with a bunch fucking rich assholes trying to find spirituality half naked….a creative hub for rich people who lack creativity or vision…an excuse to do psychedelics…just a sci/fi movie I want nothing to do with….. But I am sure people have fun, people who go talk about it all the time, I’m more into being in the desert alone than with 20,000 rich people and instagram sluts. It’s nice to see in their fake hippie, fake community, soon to brand sponsored shit…they are so inclusive and accepting they make it accessible for retards like Nina Agdal…the full retard…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Nina Agdal Tits Ready for Burning Man of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Nina Agdal Tits Ready for Burning Man of the Day

Lindsay Lohan Weird Selfie of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is such a fucking wreck…but for reasons beyond me…that are wired deep into my pervert soul – that I apparently have despite not feeling empathy, or really any emotions….ever….I want to taste every one of her bodily fluids…partially to see if I die…but also because I would jerk off to every second of it…not that I’ve ever actually jerked off to Lindsay Lohan…I don’t jerk off to these idiots when there are so many real girls but I like the idea of Lindsay Lohan and all her years of baggage, failure, depression because I guess I’ve been following her bullshit story since it started – not because I want to – but because it was fed to me…but now I’m ready for Lohan to be fed to me…I figure you gotta get a terminal sexually transmitted disease at some point in time…and it might as well be from a celebrity…who is no longer a working celebrity…but who is still a legend and she’s 30…despite looking haggard 50….thanks to face fillers she proabably didn’t need…but it’s all in good fun as a she knows she’s a circus freak….sold to the carnival from the family… The post Lindsay Lohan Weird Selfie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Lindsay Lohan Weird Selfie of the Day

Shay Mitchell Snapchat Boobs of the Day

Shay Mitchell has Snapchat…which is a great place for girls…not just Shay Mitchell to feel comfortable about the concept of being a slut on their phone…not that any girl really needed an app for that…they’ve been slutty on their phones since 2004 when they got their first phone…they just like the idea of being a slut to more people using their phones because they don’t need to build a level of trust for a video that will theoretically disappear forever…if people played by the rules and didn’t screenshot it…which they don’t because people are perverts… Not that cleavage in a blazer is really being that slutty – but it is the gateway to the vagina pics you know she sends privately to her biggest fans on the app TO SEE PICS OF HER CLEAVAGE IN A BLAZER CLICK HERE The post Shay Mitchell Snapchat Boobs of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Shay Mitchell Snapchat Boobs of the Day

Gwyneth Paltrow as Marilyn Monroe Weirdness of the Day

Well this is offensive on pretty much all levels….but that’s probably because I don’t really give a fuck about Gwyneth Paltrow and I’m not some weirdo die hard Marilyn Monroe fan, who gets off to strippers who dress like her…it’s not really a relevant fantasy, and hollywood hookers from the glory days of hollywood who have drug overdoses aren’t that interesting in a world where hookers die everyday… I just think seeing Paltrow agree to this is just fucking odd…like some kind of delusional behavior we can blame being born rich and in Hollywood before having a career in Hollywood does to a girl…

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Gwyneth Paltrow as Marilyn Monroe Weirdness of the Day

Jennifer Aniston for Harper’s Bazaar December of the Day

I guess when you get old and your sex appeal dies with your fertility – you try to do creative things when it comes to photoshoots to distract people from the botox her millions of dollars buys herself… Now I’m not a Jennifer Aniston hater, I just think she’s old, had a TV hit and should leave some room for the younger and fresher girls. You know, do like she did in her marriage to Brad Pitt and take the sidelines for hotter pussy. It just makes sense…unlike her posing with balls…which is kinda like the idea of her having sex appeal..

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Jennifer Aniston for Harper’s Bazaar December of the Day

Photoshopped Model of the Day

Some feminist magazine is putting some bathing suit company on blast because the model they hired to do the campaign, decided to exploit her client, who paid her well to be in their campaign, because she’s a fucking model and that is what they fucking do….by making a big deal about how they photoshopped her… You know, because feminists are trendy now, and hating on photoshopped images to make a girl look better than she would not photoshopped is considered objectifying a woman and not celebrating her real form, false marketing like a push up bra…even though being a model to begin with is objectifying women and giving unrealistic images to the public….because unrealistic images are far more fun to jerk off to than some flawed picture of a girl… The fact is that she looks better photoshopped…that’s why they photoshopped them…stop your whining you fucking feminists idiots. No one likes fat girls who don’t shut the fuck up about how badly the media treats ugly people and celebrates hot people…

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Photoshopped Model of the Day

Top 10 Arianna Grande Showed Her ass on Today Show of the Day

#454328068 / gettyimages.com I like the idea of making random top 10 lists, and really not bother with the whole list thing, it’s my clever clickbait strategy that will allow me to fit in with all the other sites doing it, because the general public are retards and love lists even when those lists are randomly thrown together because internet journalism is flimsy.. That said, I am into seeing this Disney chick flashing the Today show her panties on her big trying to get famous tour, but only because I know she takes massive black cock in whatever she’s hiding under her panties, you see because Big Sean leaked a nude years ago….and with that nude I can easily determine that she’s a size queen and her vagina is a monster….and nothing makes white dudes happy like knowing a white girl they jerk off to get ravaged everyday by huge black cock. #454328016 / gettyimages.com #454327834 / gettyimages.com #454327832 / gettyimages.com

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Top 10 Arianna Grande Showed Her ass on Today Show of the Day

X-Men XXX Porn Parody Exclusive of the Day

My friends and celebrity sex tape industry experts at VIVID.COM – are also Parody Experts were nice enough to give me an EXCLUSIVE CLIP OF X-MEN XXX I figure that if you’re visiting this site, you have got to be some kind of nerdy, weirdo with aspergers, who is way too into celebrity babes to really leave the house and meet a fucking girl of your own, so porn is what it is, and what you’re left with…porn and fucking comics…sci/fi fantasy…never getting laid… It’s the season of COMIC CON, but you don’t need me to tell you that, so this should fit in nicely with your social life…and virgin loser needs… CLICK HERE TO SEE THE CLIP Here are some pics TO SEE THE EXCLUSIVE CLIP CLICK HERE

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X-Men XXX Porn Parody Exclusive of the Day