Tag Archives: dollars-buys

Gwyneth Paltrow as Marilyn Monroe Weirdness of the Day

Well this is offensive on pretty much all levels….but that’s probably because I don’t really give a fuck about Gwyneth Paltrow and I’m not some weirdo die hard Marilyn Monroe fan, who gets off to strippers who dress like her…it’s not really a relevant fantasy, and hollywood hookers from the glory days of hollywood who have drug overdoses aren’t that interesting in a world where hookers die everyday… I just think seeing Paltrow agree to this is just fucking odd…like some kind of delusional behavior we can blame being born rich and in Hollywood before having a career in Hollywood does to a girl…

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Gwyneth Paltrow as Marilyn Monroe Weirdness of the Day

Jennifer Aniston for Harper’s Bazaar December of the Day

I guess when you get old and your sex appeal dies with your fertility – you try to do creative things when it comes to photoshoots to distract people from the botox her millions of dollars buys herself… Now I’m not a Jennifer Aniston hater, I just think she’s old, had a TV hit and should leave some room for the younger and fresher girls. You know, do like she did in her marriage to Brad Pitt and take the sidelines for hotter pussy. It just makes sense…unlike her posing with balls…which is kinda like the idea of her having sex appeal..

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Jennifer Aniston for Harper’s Bazaar December of the Day

Jennifer Aniston for Harper’s Bazaar December of the Day

I guess when you get old and your sex appeal dies with your fertility – you try to do creative things when it comes to photoshoots to distract people from the botox her millions of dollars buys herself… Now I’m not a Jennifer Aniston hater, I just think she’s old, had a TV hit and should leave some room for the younger and fresher girls. You know, do like she did in her marriage to Brad Pitt and take the sidelines for hotter pussy. It just makes sense…unlike her posing with balls…which is kinda like the idea of her having sex appeal..

The rest is here:
Jennifer Aniston for Harper’s Bazaar December of the Day

Miranda Kerr is Low Maintenance of the Day

She’s so low maintenance that she needs a team of people to make her look like the bitch you see in the pictures… But more importantly, she’s so low maintenance that billionaires wrestle over her… Because models are only models in hopes of landing billionaires who want to add them to their collection.. Because billionaires really understand the needs of models, and models understand that billions of dollars buys nice things.. I’ve heard nothing but bad things about Miranda Kerr…and I believe them all..

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Miranda Kerr is Low Maintenance of the Day