Tag Archives: nassau-animal

Florida Crazies: 3 Teen Girls Arrested And Charged After Violently Abusing A Bunny Rabbit In Facebook Video

3 Florida Teens Arrested For Abusing Bunny Rabbit On Snapchat The Florida-Times Union (of course), is reporting that some mean azz b!tc#es have been popped for abusing a poor lil’ bunny rabbit and posting the footage to Snapchat. These lil heffas are the WORST. Three teenage girls were arrested on animal cruelty charges Saturday after a video surfaced on social media showing a bunny being thrown repeatedly against a wall, according to the Nassau County Sheriff’s Office. The video, which was posted to Snapchat, shows the rabbit held by the throat then thrown against the walls of a room several times. The teens can be heard giggling and laughing each time it hits. A loud thump also is heard as the rabbit strikes the wall. At least one teenager also appears to kick the bunny as it tries to escape, according to the video posted on a Nassau County community forum Facebook page. An x-ray showed the rabbit has a leg fracture but otherwise is safe and sound. However, it won’t be available for adoption for awhile. It will be receiving additional veterinary care, Nassau County Animal Services said in a post on its Facebook page. The teens, age 13 and 14, were arrested after the video was posted prompting several complaints to the Sheriff’s Office, which subsequently located a house where the injured rabbit was found and rescued. The three were taken to a juvenile detention facility in Jacksonville. The graphic video of the abuse is on the following page, if you’re into that sort of thing… Image via Nassau Animal Services

See the article here:
Florida Crazies: 3 Teen Girls Arrested And Charged After Violently Abusing A Bunny Rabbit In Facebook Video