On the season premiere of True Blood , female viewers may have been focused on Alexander Skarsgard’s bare backside, as his character exhibited the kind of long-lasting sexual prowess human beings merely dream about. But men may have rewinded that scene in the basement of Fangtasia to focus on the naked woman Eric Northman was giving it to. Her name is Natasha Alam , she’ll appear in at least four more True Blood episode as Yvette – and she’s featured in the latest issue of Playboy . THG was fortunate to speak to the actress this week and our Q&A with her is posted below… How did the opportunity to pose for Playboy come about? I never imagined that I’d one day be a Playboy cover girl.
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged blood, natasha-alam, News, news update, opportunity, photographer, role, season, Sex, since-the-pilot, thg exclusives