Tag Archives: thg exclusives

Little Women Dallas: Spit is About to Fly!

Nothing can compare to the pain of losing a child. Tragically, two Little Women: Dallas cast members can relate to this heartbreak on a personal level, as Caylea suffered a miscarriage when she was six weeks pregnant and Emily lost a baby at just three months old. There are truly no words for these painful experiences. But the two reality stars have come up with a few over the course of Season 2, at one point getting into an argument over Caylea disrespecting the memory of Emily's son. That was how Emily interpreted it, at least, when Caylea compared her miscarriage to the death of Emily's baby boy. The co-stars argued this point rather passionately a few weeks ago, but the disagreement will reach new heights on this week's installment of this popular Lifetime series. Or new lows, depending on how you look at it. After telling Caylea that she spat on the memory of her child, Emily goes right ahead and… spits on Caylea. We mean this literally. She simply spits right in the face of her co-star, much to the shock of the other Little Women, who all stand around silently as these two keep going at it. Caylea refuses to back down. Emily can't believe her friend continues to make this comparison. Does either side give in or apologize in the end? Watch the clip now and then tune in Wednesday at 9/8c on Lifetime to see the episode in full.   

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Little Women Dallas: Spit is About to Fly!

Abby Lee Miller Berates Young Dancer with Oral Sex Joke: Has She Gone Too Far?

Dance Moms’ Abby Lee Miller is never one to mince words, and owes her fame to a Lifetime show predicated on her brash, even boorish conduct. Still, sources tell THG exclusively that the reality star’s recent behavior has gone from obnoxious to borderline alarming, leaving bystanders appalled … Speaking under a condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, an insider recalled an alarming story that occurred last month on the show’s L.A. set. A little over a week ago, Miller and her Abby Lee Dance Company were competing against a group of rival dancers, one of whom she singled out. According to sources who saw this all go down, that is. The girl had just performed a solo using a bench as a prop, at which point the Dance Moms star asked her “Who was ‘sitting’ next to you?” Ostensibly, Abby was asking for the story behind the dance she had just witnessed. The little girl replied that she was sitting next to “a boy.”  Abby allegedly told the dancer, “No wonder you were on your knees,” while using her hand and mouth to make graphic oral sex gestures. Our source tells us that the whole set was aghast at the comment, but not shockingly, nothing was done and Abby was not reprimanded. We say not shockingly because we all know Abby Lee Miller is a bully who uses mental and physical intimidation to get what she wants. She might even cop to that proudly, too, as part of her path to victory in her field, but at a certain point, her pupils are no longer winning. Quite the contrary, in fact, if this account is true. Her alarming actions, as shown when we watch Dance Moms online and as alleged here, seem to be getting more outlandish with time. Scenes like the one described above will likely not make it to air (even Lifetime producers must have some awareness of how that looks). Still, her purported pattern of terrorizing and berating young people and adults alike, on and off set, poses some interesting questions: Would advertisers willingly support such a person? Is this simply accepted in Dance Moms culture? What would it take for Lifetime to pull the plug? Will more people speak out against Miller? View Slideshow: 20 Scandals That Rocked Reality TV

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Abby Lee Miller Berates Young Dancer with Oral Sex Joke: Has She Gone Too Far?

Taylor Lianne Chandler Exclusive Interview: Michael Phelps Owes Me an Apology!

Back in October, we were the first to report on a woman named Taylor Lianne Chandler – a 42-year-old sign language interpreter and crisis management consultant who was involved in a romantic relationship with Michael Phelps at the time of Phelps’ DUI arrest . In the months since, many new details emerged about Chandler and her dealings with Phelps. She has said that their relationship was not monogamous, but not purely sexual, either. She’s stated that while she and the Olympian were not exclusively dating, she felt betrayed when Phelps announced his engagement to Nicole Johnson just days after he complete his stint in rehab. Chandler has open about her feelings toward Phelps and her sudden fame throughout her ordeal, but much of what we know about her comes from tabloid hearsay (several media outlets reported that Chandler was born a man ) and private conversations that leaked online.  (Chandler commented on Phelps’ penis size and love of prostitutes in an online exchange that wound up going public.)  We recently reached out to Chandler to offer her the opportunity to set the record straight on everything from her career as an adult film star to her feelings toward the world’s most famous swimmer. Though she admitted that she “initially hated” THG for being the first to report on her ties to Phelps, she offered a remarkably candid take on the events of the past six months. Here is what she had to say: On Dating Phelps: “We talked everyday. The first night I didn’t get a goodnight from him was September 29th, and now we know its because he was arrested…It is a debilitating feeling to see the man you cared about, that cared about you, that laid with you and was intimate with you on so many levels reject and abandon you.” On Her Gender Identity: “I am not a man. I am not a transsexual or transgender. There is nothing wrong with being that, I am just not. I didn’t purposely keep it from Michael or anyone else I have dated. It is not something that I think is anyone’s business.” “My formal diagnosis is called Mosaic, intersex is the umbrella term that covers all birth challenges like this.  The media uses my birth defect as a sensational headline calling me a man, a he/she or an it. I am a girl.” On Abuse She’s Received From Phelps’ Fans:  “They hate me and distrust me. They take the fact that I held things back in the beginning and shared more later as lying. They try to interpret and twist everything I say to make me out to be crazy, delusional or whatever else they choose to call me… I probably did say or share too much at times. I reacted often out of anger at Michael for lying to me, about other women, not acknowledging our relationship and his sister Hilary’s attacks of me herself and through her myriad of friends.” View Slideshow: Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps’ Girlfriend?! When Asked if Phelps Owes Her an Apology: ” I know he owes me an apology. Two people paid the price that night for his DUI. I lost my career as an interpreter that depends on being invisible and private. I lost my contract as a crisis management consultant as well…I don’t think he needs to publicly apologize, but privately would mean a lot to me.” On His Engagement: “I think the engagement is a way to rebuild his image and erase me. I think it is a media strategy that Octagon [the agency that represents Phelps] set in motion to make sure his world and endorsements stayed status quo.” On Her Career in Adult Film: “I signed a three year contract with Vivid which produced my celebrity sex tape under Vivid Celeb Imprint, Going for the Gold with Ty Roderick playing Michael Phelps which tells the story of our love affair… “There will be a second film released at some point which is more 50 Shades of Grey , but still based on my relationship with Michael. It was filmed at the same time as Going for the Gold. I will be starting a Burlesque type show and traveling the country meeting my new found fans with the company Centerfold Strips.” On What She’d Like the World to Know About Her Relationship With Phelps: “That we really were together. He really liked me and pursued me and our time together was amazing. I was not a one off or a jump off or a side chick. He knew from day one that I was a relationship type girl.” When Asked If She Believes Phelps is a Good Person: ” If I set aside my hurt feelings I would have to say yes. I think he wants to be a good person and tries to be a good person.” “It is that niceness and charm that made me fall for him and give myself to him and want to continue to be in his life… I think he makes bad decisions and doesn’t realize the consequences or how it will hurt the people he says he cares about.” View Slideshow: Taylor Lianne Chandler-Michael Phelps Texts

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Taylor Lianne Chandler Exclusive Interview: Michael Phelps Owes Me an Apology!

Taylor Lianne Chandler Exclusive Interview: Michael Phelps Owes Me an Apology!

Back in October, we were the first to report on a woman named Taylor Lianne Chandler – a 42-year-old sign language interpreter and crisis management consultant who was involved in a romantic relationship with Michael Phelps at the time of Phelps’ DUI arrest . In the months since, many new details emerged about Chandler and her dealings with Phelps. She has said that their relationship was not monogamous, but not purely sexual, either. She’s stated that while she and the Olympian were not exclusively dating, she felt betrayed when Phelps announced his engagement to Nicole Johnson just days after he complete his stint in rehab. Chandler has open about her feelings toward Phelps and her sudden fame throughout her ordeal, but much of what we know about her comes from tabloid hearsay (several media outlets reported that Chandler was born a man ) and private conversations that leaked online.  (Chandler commented on Phelps’ penis size and love of prostitutes in an online exchange that wound up going public.)  We recently reached out to Chandler to offer her the opportunity to set the record straight on everything from her career as an adult film star to her feelings toward the world’s most famous swimmer. Though she admitted that she “initially hated” THG for being the first to report on her ties to Phelps, she offered a remarkably candid take on the events of the past six months. Here is what she had to say: On Dating Phelps: “We talked everyday. The first night I didn’t get a goodnight from him was September 29th, and now we know its because he was arrested…It is a debilitating feeling to see the man you cared about, that cared about you, that laid with you and was intimate with you on so many levels reject and abandon you.” On Her Gender Identity: “I am not a man. I am not a transsexual or transgender. There is nothing wrong with being that, I am just not. I didn’t purposely keep it from Michael or anyone else I have dated. It is not something that I think is anyone’s business.” “My formal diagnosis is called Mosaic, intersex is the umbrella term that covers all birth challenges like this.  The media uses my birth defect as a sensational headline calling me a man, a he/she or an it. I am a girl.” On Abuse She’s Received From Phelps’ Fans:  “They hate me and distrust me. They take the fact that I held things back in the beginning and shared more later as lying. They try to interpret and twist everything I say to make me out to be crazy, delusional or whatever else they choose to call me… I probably did say or share too much at times. I reacted often out of anger at Michael for lying to me, about other women, not acknowledging our relationship and his sister Hilary’s attacks of me herself and through her myriad of friends.” View Slideshow: Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps’ Girlfriend?! When Asked if Phelps Owes Her an Apology: ” I know he owes me an apology. Two people paid the price that night for his DUI. I lost my career as an interpreter that depends on being invisible and private. I lost my contract as a crisis management consultant as well…I don’t think he needs to publicly apologize, but privately would mean a lot to me.” On His Engagement: “I think the engagement is a way to rebuild his image and erase me. I think it is a media strategy that Octagon [the agency that represents Phelps] set in motion to make sure his world and endorsements stayed status quo.” On Her Career in Adult Film: “I signed a three year contract with Vivid which produced my celebrity sex tape under Vivid Celeb Imprint, Going for the Gold with Ty Roderick playing Michael Phelps which tells the story of our love affair… “There will be a second film released at some point which is more 50 Shades of Grey , but still based on my relationship with Michael. It was filmed at the same time as Going for the Gold. I will be starting a Burlesque type show and traveling the country meeting my new found fans with the company Centerfold Strips.” On What She’d Like the World to Know About Her Relationship With Phelps: “That we really were together. He really liked me and pursued me and our time together was amazing. I was not a one off or a jump off or a side chick. He knew from day one that I was a relationship type girl.” When Asked If She Believes Phelps is a Good Person: ” If I set aside my hurt feelings I would have to say yes. I think he wants to be a good person and tries to be a good person.” “It is that niceness and charm that made me fall for him and give myself to him and want to continue to be in his life… I think he makes bad decisions and doesn’t realize the consequences or how it will hurt the people he says he cares about.” View Slideshow: Taylor Lianne Chandler-Michael Phelps Texts

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Taylor Lianne Chandler Exclusive Interview: Michael Phelps Owes Me an Apology!

Jon Hamm Mocks Dating Show Appearance, Continues to Be Awesome

In a hilariously awesome clip that went viral last week, Internet users laughed at Jon Hamm appearing on the 1995 game show The Big Date. And, because he may truly be the coolest celebrity on the planet, Jon Hamm then stopped by The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson and laughed at the same footage himself. After watching the clip – in which Hamm promises his potential date “an evening of total fabulosity” – Ferguson asked if the woman picked Hamm. “Oh, no, she did not,” Hamm said. “Would you have picked me?” Not then, no. But now? We’d pick Hamm for pretty much anything. Jon Hamm Laughs at Himself on Late Late Show NOTE: Mad Men Season 7 premieres this Sunday night on AMC. Prepare yourselves, people!

Jon Hamm Mocks Dating Show Appearance, Continues to Be Awesome

Farrah Abraham Exclusive: Star Teases "Celebrity Sex Tape" Novel, Career Highlights & Regrets

Farrah Abraham may be the hardest working woman in show business. The reality star, porn star, singer, sex toy model, and bestselling author has done it all. Now she can add erotic fiction to her career resume. Celebrity Sex Tape: In the Making , the first book in a three-part series, hits shelves this summer. The author of a memoir, My Teenage Dream Ended , Farrah is now delving into erotica … loosely based on her own sexual and life experiences of course. Farrah Abraham Celebrity Sex Tape Photos Open Slideshow 1. Celebrity Sex Tape: In the Making Cover Farrah Abraham on the cover of her new book, Celebrity Sex Tape: In The Making. View As List 1. Celebrity Sex Tape: In the Making Cover Farrah Abraham on the cover of her new book, Celebrity Sex Tape: In The Making. 2. Farrah Abraham Lingerie Photograph Farrah Abraham rocking lingerie like a BOSS in a photo shoot for her new book. 3. Farrah Abraham: Celebrity Sex Tape in the Making Farrah Abraham on the cover of Celebrity Sex Tape: In the Making. It’s the first installment of her erotic trilogy. 4. Farrah’s Bedroom Antics Farrah Abraham invites you into her bedroom. Do you accept the invite? 5. Farrah Abraham ‘Celebrity Sex Tape’ Photo Farrah Abraham in a promotional photo for her new Celebrity Sex Tape book trilogy. 6. Celebrity Sex Tape Author Farrah Abraham is about to publish her first erotic novel Celebrity Sex Tape. Here’s a pic from the Ellora’s Cave shoot. 7. Farrah Cleavage Photograph Farrah Abraham shows some cleavage in a photo shoot for her erotic romance novel. 8. Farrah Abraham Photo Shoot Farrah Abraham in a photo shoot for her upcoming novel, Celebrity Sex Tape. 9. Gettin’ All Dolled Up Farrah Abraham in a photo shoot for her erotic romance novel. 10. Prepping Farrah Farrah Abraham behind the scenes of her photo shoot for her erotic novel Celebrity Sex Tape. 11. Sexy Photo Shoot Behind the Scenes Farrah Abraham’s photo shoot for Celebrity Sex Tape goes behind the scenes. 12. Farrah Abraham From the Reverse Farrah Abraham from a reverse angle as part of the photo shoot for her upcoming novel, Celebrity Sex Tape. 13. Ass(es) Up! Farrah Abraham flips the script on a couple of her male subjects. Sort of literally. 14. Farrah Abraham and Hunk Farrah Abraham and the type of hunk you would assume would be in a photo shoot for her erotic novel with her. 15. Farrah and a Hunk Farrah Abraham and the type of guy you would assume would be in a photo shoot for her erotic romance novel. In an exclusive interview with The Hollywood Gossip, Abraham teases many aspects of the buzzed-about book that reportedly has Vivid sweating bullets . She also revealed how she gets turned on penning hot scenes, the social commentaries within her work and her biggest regret about her own celebrity sex tape. Read our Q&A with Farrah Abraham below and scroll through our gallery of exclusive pics from her cover shoot with Ellora’s Cave Publishing as well! The Hollywood Gossip : First, the obvious question: Erotic novels? Really? Were you approached by the publisher or was this something you took the initiative with? Farrah Abraham : I starting writing on my own first, and then I was fortunate enough to find the perfect erotic romance publisher, Ellora’s Cave. They call themselves “the Bad Girls” of romance. I’m so glad we found each other. THG : The trilogy is loosely based on your life and sex tape. What similarities can we expect and what things did you embellish or fictionalize for the story? Farrah : This is primarily a fictional story. Fallon Opal, the main character, is much different then I am. She’s a celebrity, but she works on scripted entertainment while I started off in reality television. She also does not have a child. Fallon experiences life in her own way, but still she is very relatable on how she deals with sexuality and life. I think most young women will relate to her like I do. That being said, the journey Fallon takes is mostly from my wild imagination, which is sometimes inspired by my own personal experience and those of my friends. THG : You’ve said your sex tape “ruined” your life and made some alarming allegations about things that happened to you as a result of it. Does it feel at all strange to be capitalizing on its enormous success? Farrah : It was really difficult for me to go through the events of the past year. Writing book one in this series was one way for me to deal with my feelings and come to terms with what happened. It is something I would never have thought I would experience and alarming to say the least, but writing is almost like therapy for me and I’m in a great place right now. THG : Will the book serve as a social commentary on any topics such as the porn industry or the celebrity-obsessed culture we live in? Or will it just be a fun (hot!) read? Farrah : Yes and yes! Fallon’s story is inspired by my story, so the things I’ve gone through and come across make their way into the book. It does address social topics like the porn industry, our celebrity obsessed culture, and entertainment at large. But at its core it’s a hot and heavy to read. THG : Are the second and third installments of Celebrity Sex Tape already outlined? Do you have an idea of where the story is going over the course of the trilogy? Farrah : The whole plot is already conceived and we’re working on writing and editing the second and third installments right now. I am very proud of how it will end (as well as how it starts in book one). I think the characters are amazing, and I really hope my readers agree. But I can’t give too much away!! THG : Do you do any “research” to get in the mood for writing such steamy material? Physically, over the Internet, etc.? Farrah : There is no research I need to do other than looking up a term or running something by my girlfriends. A lot of the writing comes naturally because I try to keep as true as possible to real life… I will say it’s hard to keep focus when some scenes get really hot and heavy. But that’s half of the fun. I can only imagine what my readers will say. Hopefully they will be as pleased as I was writing it. THG : How has being involved with one of the highest-profile sex tapes ever impacted your dating life? Farrah : As many fans saw on Couples Therapy , my dating life had been going toward a negative direction for a while. Since therapy, I have been much better but not really focusing on dating. I learned that waiting for the right guy takes sometime. I’m just trying to focus on my daughter and my career. THG : You’ve heard it all from fans, haters, even other Teen Mom stars. How much attention to you pay to what people are saying on blogs, social media, TV, etc.? Farrah : I don’t pay attention to lies and negativity. The positivity, love, and good feedback I get from my family, friends, and fans is all I want to focus on right now. THG : Some people like you, some people might not, but no one can deny you’re working hard for your daughter and your career. What career decision are you most proud of? Farrah : I’m most proud of taking part in 16 & Pregnant when I was pregnant with my daughter. I was thinking about her future before she was even born. THG : Which decision do you regret most so far in your career? Farrah : I try not to live with regrets and I try to learn from my mistakes. But if I had to choose… making a sex tape with someone who is in porn and didn’t really have my best interests in mind. Ladies, please learn from my mistakes and be careful who you trust!!! THG : Tell us something we don’t know about you and that we might be surprised to know. Farrah : Most people are surprised that most of the time I am just a “regular” mom. I spend my time playing with Sophia and getting her to and from school. A lot of people think they know a lot from TV and news, and what makes it on there is such a small part of my life. That’s one of the things I try to tackle in Celebrity Sex Tape .

See original here:
Farrah Abraham Exclusive: Star Teases "Celebrity Sex Tape" Novel, Career Highlights & Regrets

Bristol Palin Moves Out of Arizona Home

Just six months after dropping $172,000 in cash for a home in Arizona, and just weeks after Sarah Palin reportedly bought her own house in Arizona to keep tabs on her, Bristol Palin is peacing out of the Grand Canyon State. Bristol’s Maricopa, Az., pad is now for rent at $1,400/month if you’re interested. “Yes, it is for rent, but I have no further comment,” Bristol Palin tells E! News. Sarah’s eldest daughter will be starring in a new reality show focusing on her making the move to L.A., where she and son Tripp will cohabitate with brothers Kyle and Christopher Massey and work at a charity. Bristol is reportedly dating Kyle Massey and Sarah Palin is reportedly livid. The five-bedroom, 3,900-SF pad she purchased back in December went on the market this week, said Nate Martinez of RE/MAX Professionals.

Greyson Chance Releases Album Cover, Speaks to THG

Greyson Chance will release his debut album on August 2, but fans don’t need to wait that long to get a look at it. The young artist, who was discovered by Ellen DeGeneres after releasing songs on YouTube, has unveiled the cover art for “Hold on ‘Til the Night.” Check it out here: Chance worked with a team of known producers on the CD, including The Matrix (Christina Aguilera, Avril Lavigne, Jason Mraz, Britney Spears ), Billy Steinberg (Enrique Iglesias, Katherine McPhee, Miranda Cosgrove) and Ron Fair (Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera, Black Eyed Peas). How does he feel about it? What has this journey been like? Greyson spoke to THG on the red carpet of last night’s Green Lantern premiere in Los Angeles. Watch that interview below: Greyson Chance Speaks to THG

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Greyson Chance Releases Album Cover, Speaks to THG

Merry Christmas from The Hollywood Gossip!

On this Christmas Day, THG would like to put aside the snark and the sarcasm for a moment and simply wish our readers a happy, safe holiday. It’s our sincere pleasure to bring you the latest news, views and gossip on a daily basis. We’re appreciative of all fans and comments, even those that somehow believe Kim Kardashian possesses talent of any kind. We’ll leave you with the following celebrity take on a classic Christmas poem and hope you are having a joyous celebration with your loved ones. Twas the Night Before Christmas – Celebrity Edition

Continued here:
Merry Christmas from The Hollywood Gossip!

THG Talk: An Exclusive Interview with Jordin Sparks

Before American Idol viewers decided to vote for the same guitar-playing male every season (David Cook… Kris Allen … Lee DeWyze), they selected Jordin Sparks as their champion. We’ve been big fans of the talented singer since since she took the Fox stage and we were lucky enough to speak with her this week, as she took time away from her summer tour. We thank Jordin for her time and we present this exclusive interview below… What has the American Idol experience been like for you? Can it be compared to what you imagined it would be like? I imagined it would be easy, just a singing competition. HA! It was a lot of work and pretty stressful. But I made friendships that will last forever and I am really happy with how it turned out. You’ve sung with Chris Brown. You’ve sung at the Super Bowl. What has been the most memorable professional experience for you? Well, the fact that I get to sing for my job is the best thing. Everything else, the duet, the Super Bowl, touring… it’s all a bonus. Idol has received some criticism for naming three consecutive winners that were all very similar. Any thoughts on that? I definitely think that when the show started to allow instruments, it opened itself up to a whole bunch of people who wouldn’t have auditioned before. So I’m glad those people can have the opportunity as well. But the show shouldn’t receive criticism for naming winners the audience voted for. Any thoughts on Simon leaving? It’s bittersweet. Simon was made out to be the villain. I’m going to miss him for sure… It’s going to be so different without [Paula and Simon]. I wish them nothing by the best in whatever they do moving forward. What was it like to participate in the We Are the World remake ? It was amazing for me. The original is such a classic and pretty much everyone knows it… to see all the artists there for a cause bigger than ourselves was so humbling. This is your first-ever solo tour. Talk about your plans and hopes