Tag Archives: near-the-school

Feds illegally raid New Mexico farm school without warrant and find nothing but fresh produce

The government terror campaign against innocent civilians continues with a recent report in the Santa Fe New Mexican about a September raid on a small farming school that left children and administrators in shock. According to the report, officials paid a surprise and unwarranted visit to the Camino de Paz Montessori School and Farm in Cuarteles, New Mexico, on September 21 to search for marijuana — but they ended up needlessly terrorizing small children and finding only tomato plants in the process. “We were all as a group eating outside as we usually do, and this unmarked drab-green helicopter kept flying over and dropping lower,” explained Patricia Pantano, education director of the school, to the Santa Fe New Mexican about the incident. “Of course, the kids got all excited. They were telling me that they could see gun barrels outside the helicopter.” Fifteen minutes after the helicopter left, unidentified agents showed up at the school in person and demanded to inspect the facilities. Although the agents had no legal warrant to make such demands, Greg Nussbaum, the farm director, permitted them to tour the farm anyway and see for themselves that it is nothing more than an education facility for small children that combines gardening and farming with traditional education. According to the report, agents have been pulling the helicopter stunt all over southern Santa Fe County in recent months, hovering over properties and intimidating owners who they say are “suspect”. Agents have also conducted several other raids nearby the school, even though they have not had probable cause to do so. “I think it would be found illegal to use aerial surveillance from 60 feet when there's no probable clause,” Marianna Hatten, owner of a bed and breakfast operation near the school, is quoted as saying. Hatten's bed and breakfast is also located on the same road as another property that was surveyed by helicopters and subsequently raided by agents. Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030573_marijuana_raids.html#ixzz16nroXwfm added by: JanforGore