Tag Archives: neighbouring

Vikram Nair Picture

Thirty-three-year-old Vikram Nair is a dispute resolution lawyer at Norton Rose. Since he became a lawyer in 2005, he has assisted on a number of high-profile cases, including the claim by National Kidney Foundation against its former board of directors. Mr Nair has been assisting at Meet-the-People#39;s sessions at Chong Pang Ward since 2008. As of this year, the PAP said he has been active at the neighbouring Admiralty ward. Mr Nair is on the committee of various non-profit societies in Si

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Vikram Nair Picture

Kyrgyzstan Violence Kills Up To 41

An outbreak of violence in the southern part of Kyrgyzstan has erupted, killing up to 41 people and wounding 624 others as the newly-established national government imposed a state of emergency on the region on Friday. Witnesses claim fighting broke out between ethnic Krygyz groups and Uzbek groups in the southern city of Osh, a stronghold of the president who was overthrown in a revolt this April. —JCL Al-Jazeera English: Up to 41 people have been killed and at least 624 others wounded in an outbreak of violence in the southern Kyrgyzstan city of Osh. The unrest forced the government of the Central Asian nation to impose a state of emergency in the region on Friday. Several buildings across Osh were ablaze, according to witnesses, in the wake of shooting that began on Thursday night. “Clashes and exchanges of fire between groups of youths took place in Osh and the neighbouring districts of Karassu, Arava and Uzgen,” Farid Niyazov, a government spokesman, said. Read more Related Entries May 16, 2010 Thai Government Rejects Mediation May 7, 2010 Kanellos the Protest Dog

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Kyrgyzstan Violence Kills Up To 41

The Alps discovered on Mars!

Mountain peaks, snow-covered slopes, deep gorges – is that the Alps? No! It is our neighbouring planet Mars as it has never been seen before. added by: redrabbit