Courtney Love put up this picture of her in a one piece that may have been taken many years ago, when she was just a young drug addict killing off boyfriends to get ahead and become insanely popular, reminding all you rich and famous motherfuckers, to never fall in love with a hooker, or stripper, they are usually damaged goods and won’t really bring you up so much as bring you down, plus their vaginas smell like other men, which in turn makes you a little bit homo… Maybe this picture is proof that you can fake a bikini pic, if you have implants and a one piece to cover your flaws, along with years of posing for pro-photogs to know your look, and enough filters to blur out your zombie fucking face…and body…”make it black and white so they don’t see my blue dead heroin addict skin”….”fuzz out the right side of the picture so that they can’t see my botox failed me, scrotum like face”…”let me lay on my side so it looks like I have a waist, even though them meth took that years ago”…”let me squeeze my implants together, cuz #tits”… I know what she’s doing here…but I may still try to masturbate to it…I like challenges…
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Courtney Love in a Bathing Suit of the Day