Tag Archives: never-letting

Who’s Cleaning Up the BP Spill & How Much Has it Cost? (Infographic)

Image via Boston Here’s a handy infographic to bring you up to speed on the cleanup operations following the April 20th explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig . Also included are easily digestible stats on how much, approximately, operations have cost thus far. It’s brief and to the point, and makes for a solid quick reference point. Infographic is after the jump: … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Who’s Cleaning Up the BP Spill & How Much Has it Cost? (Infographic)

Want to Kick Our Oil Addiction? Let’s Get Our Priorities Straight First

photo: Joost J Bakker via flickr You’d have to be living in a cave since the beginning of the BP oil spill to not have heard, or made, statements about never letting this sort of environmental disaster happen again and kicking our oil addiction . There have even been checklists 50 items deep of ways you can use less oil. Before we act on that sentiment, (and let me be clear that we will be using less oil in the future, … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Want to Kick Our Oil Addiction? Let’s Get Our Priorities Straight First