Tag Archives: nicer-clothes

Amanda Bynes Not In My Kid of Gym Clothes of the Day

I usually prefer when girls go to the gym dressed in booty shorts and a shorts bra, you know to really not let any clothing get in the way of their deep fucking squats, so that after they are sweating and digusting, I can pretty much make out their entire vagina and ass definition, because you know what it turns me the fuck on. Almost enough to join a gym, but that would be crazy. Amanda Bynes, despite her level of awesome, doing her Andy Kaufman crazy fuck with the public through twitter because they talk about her, would do better if her gym clothes were a lot less Muslim. I mean shit, she looks like this OCD woman who I see walking around my apartment who wears 8 layers of clothes, a hood, a scarf to cover her face, gloves, like she’s Michael Jackson and allergic to the sun, and they’re very little erotic in that. I mean Bynes has a body that needs to be more scandalous, but I’ll still try jerking off to these, you know to challenge my jerking off skills, next leveling it.

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Amanda Bynes Not In My Kid of Gym Clothes of the Day

Oh Shit! Miley Cyrus Was Let Out of Her House of the Day

Miley Cyrus has been allowed out of her house. Oh shit. And she’s gone wild. Oh Shit. I assume that’s what happens when you are the caged money making animal at the zoo, that is finally let out of the cage to explore what the world they were always kept away from, because the world is a scary place, and the cage is safe, and where we keep our money making animals. You know, she’s high profile, has fans, the paparazzi would rip her apart now that she’s single, something my penis would like to do to her vagina, if it was only more substantial. Her sheltered life filled with handlers sometimes gets pushed aside, you know cuz she is the money making animal and she calls the shots, and I guess this is the evidence of that whole =”This is my life, and I just want to live it and be normal” rebellion…..that I like to call the gateway to falling off the fucking deep end. You can’t steal her life fame. You hear that. Oh Shit. Now let’s do a low key, low profile, parking lot photoshoot to really not get noticed on this incognito, attempt at integrating into society like a normal….hustle…. Oh Shit.

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Oh Shit! Miley Cyrus Was Let Out of Her House of the Day

Jenner Sisters In Their Bikinis for the Paparazzi of the Day

It’s funny that it is legal for a mother to whore out her teen daughters for the media via the paparazzi they probably brought on vacation with them. I know it isn’t as bad as whoring them out to random men for sexual favors to help pay the rent, at least not in theory, according to society norms, but I have a feeling that the damage this does, will equally fuck them up, as if they were being whored out like whores, because ultimately, you are a product of your environment, and when you realize you’re opportunistic cunt mom is making you jump through hoops to fill her own egotistical needs, dreams and bribing you by giving you anything you want, it’s as empty as when it happens in the gutter. That’s why rich girls are just like stripper trash, just in nicer clothes and hotel rooms. I guess I shouldn’t care about the mental capacity of these demon children as they run around in their demon family, but they are in bikinis, and the skinny one aspires to be a Victoria’s Secret model, you see it’s good to raise them like this, they have such depth to their dreams and potential to contribute to society. Idiots. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jenner Sisters In Their Bikinis for the Paparazzi of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Bikini for Instagram of the Day

17 and a half year old Ireland Baldwin, who is at a very crucial 6 months away from being 18, still illegal, but not all that different than who she will be when she is legal, who has probably been having sex since she was 14, and is boy crazy obsessed with her boyfriend, leading me to think they have a lot of sex, you know how rich kids are, just as fucked up as poor gutter kids, just in nicer clothes and living rooms, not actually having to strip to work, but instead getting half naked for the love of it. We blame daddy issues, I blame just wanting to be loved…and I’m loving these pics she’s posting to instagram. They are a sign of what is to come. ALl it took was some good genetics and a daddy who called her a pig on a voicemail leaked to the world when she was coming up. The only thing that freaks me out about her is that she’s 6 foot 2….but I can deal since I’m just lookin at pics and tall chicks all look better in pics…

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Ireland Baldwin Bikini for Instagram of the Day