Tag Archives: nick griffin

In Defense of Throwing Tomatoes at Sarah Palin

Since we opened up that can of stewed pears by praising the guy who threw tomatoes at Sarah Palin , we figured it’s a good time to explain why it was cool that he did that. In other words: Food fight ! Here are the reasons (besides the obvious ones) that we think it was a good idea for Jeremy Paul Olson to throw food at Sarah Palin today during her Minnesota reading, for which he is currently incarcerated: Throwing food at people has a long, messy history The first recorded incident of throwing food at a public figure in history, according to our ten minutes of Googling, was in 60-something AD when Roman emperor Vespasianus Ceaser Augustus was “pelted with turnips” at a riot, most likely by people sick of having nothing to eat but turnips. In the 1770s, preacher John Crook was similarly assaulted when he tried to convert the heathens of the Isle of Man to Methodism

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In Defense of Throwing Tomatoes at Sarah Palin