This is fascinaing to me – I have been following Shauna Sand for a while – because I am weird like that – the kind of guy fascinated with bottom of the barrel, last week’s kitchen garbage no one wants or in this case Playboy’s kitchen garbage from the 90s…. I’ve always wondered how her daughter with Lorenzo Lamas was going to turn out…..she’s probably 16 now, so when I started she was 8….and I didn’t know if her mother humiliated her, as Shauna Sand would humiliate you if she was your mom… know exposing her FLESHY DEAD LOOKING VAGINA IN A SEX TAPE WITH A MALE ESCORT SHE CARTED AROUND 10 YEARS LATER THAN SHE SHOULD HAVE or all the walking around half naked, in whore shoes, I didn’t know whether the daughter, a product of divorce, would be a prude, rebelling against her mom’s way, or if she’d follow her lead and walk around in heels and a thong for the world to stare at her confused…trying to understand what hey just experienced…. I guess this pic answers that question I had….and I’m pretty glad things worked out this way…. To See The Rest of the Pics of Shauna Sands Dressed as A Corpse….. FOLLOW THIS LINK I approve of this message: LIKE US ON FACEBOOK EVEN IF YOU DON’T LIKE US
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Shauna Sand’s Zombie Corpse Ass in a Bikini Influences Her Daughter Proper of the Day