Tag Archives: ninth-district

Steak Out: Mischa Barton Sinks Teeth Into Bizarre Photo Shoot

Mischa Barton posed for a Tyler Shields photo shoot the other day, and, well, you know how that goes. If you don’t know how that goes, it goes … weird. The former OC actress and waif is the latest to pose for the controversial photographer, who loves his female celebrity muses to get “artistic” or something. After a Mischa fan club in Brazil (seriously, that exists) kept asking him to do a shoot with her, Shields says he reached out, and this is what resulted: Possibly nude, Mischa Barton sees food for the first time since April . “I randomly met her friend and we talked about it a few days later this happened,” he said. “She was amazing to work with. I cant wait to do it again.” Shields often features BFF Lindsay Lohan in his shoots, and recently landed in hot water over a series of photos showing a bound, battered Heather Morris . Here are some more of his recent Mischa Barton photos, which are historic – this is the closest interaction she’s had with steak in approximately 12 years … [Photos: Tyler Shields]

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Steak Out: Mischa Barton Sinks Teeth Into Bizarre Photo Shoot

THG Presents: Who is This Spooky Celebrity?

One of our favorite stars went to Knott’s Scary Farm in Buena Park, Calif., this weekend. We only know because she Tweeted a photo of herself there! Otherwise, who would recognize her with a skeleton face painted on. “Be honest with me,” she asked her legions of Twitter fans, “Do I look tired?” She does look rather scary. Who is she, though? THAT is the question. Vote below, then click the pic or “View Poll” to see if you’re right … Who is the star behind the Halloween mask?

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THG Presents: Who is This Spooky Celebrity?

Kelly Rowland on Breast Enhancement: No Regrets!

Kelly Rowland covers the latest issue of Cosmopolitan UK and address a couple contrasting topics with the magazine: her fake breasts and her real daddy issues. Admitting was sick of possessing “little nuggets for boobs,” the singer underwent breast enhancement surgery in October 2007 and says now: “It’s something I really wanted to do for myself – not for a man, not for work, for myself. And I love them!” Rowland then shifts gears and opens up about how her dad left her when she was a child. She says: “I haven’t seen my dad for almost 20 years. It’s nothing I want a pity party for. He left me and my mom, and I was angry. I wanted to be a daddy’s girl so bad. God damn The Cosby Show because that made me think, ‘Why isn’t my family like that?’ But this is not a perfect world.” Still, Rowland’s dad tried to contact her in June and she says she’s open to an eventual reunion: “I forgave him a long time ago.”

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Kelly Rowland on Breast Enhancement: No Regrets!

Joe the Plumber to Run For Congress

Joseph Wurzelbacher, a.k.a. Joe the Plumber, the man who sparred with then-candidate Barack Obama during the 2008 campaign, is running for U.S. Congress. Plumber filed papers with the Federal Election Commission to run for Congress in Ohio’s Ninth District, and will soon launch an official “Joe for Congress 2012” site. The Toledo Blade reported in August that Ohio Republicans were encouraging him to run, and Joe said he was open to the idea. Looks like that report was accurate . Obama’s opponent, Sen. John McCain, tried to use Joe as a poster boy of sorts for the type of working American he claimed would be hurt by Democratic policies. It didn’t work, obviously, but Joe left his mark on Ohio politics. “Maybe we need some regular guys in there,” he said this August. “That’s what I’ve been doing the past two and a half years, encouraging regular Americans to run.” The conservative small business owner adds, “Tell the liberal media to go to hell and I don’t care what you guys say about me, I’m going to try to fix this country.” In addition to speaking at tea party rallies and conservative conferences in recent years, he most recently helped start an organization to help wounded veterans. He’s got his hands full if he expects to win in 2012 in any case. Democratic incumbent Rep. Marcia Kaptur has been elected 15 straight times, none of them close.

See the article here:
Joe the Plumber to Run For Congress