Tag Archives: nipple-photos

Farrah Abraham Lip Injections: Can Botched Operation Be Fixed?!

While Farrah Abraham can only blame, or congratulate, herself for almost all of the issues in her oft-controversial life, we actually feel bad for her in this case. The photos of Farrah Abraham’s botched lip injections above tell you all you need to know. Wow. Girlfriend needs to find herself a new plastic surgeon. Speaking of which … it’s hard not to see a procedure so blatantly botched and not think of Dr. Terry Dubrow, star of the E! reality show called Botched . She even shouted out Dubrow and co-star Dr. Paul Nassif on Instagram, writing, “Girlfriends don’t say I didn’t warn ya! #BOTCHED California #ER #fixit.” Dr. Dubrow, of course, is married to The Real Housewives of Orange County cast member Heather Dubrow, and appears regularly on that series as well. He’s seen it all in his day, and something like what happened to Farrah Abraham is clearly prime fodder for the surgeon’s solo foray into reality TV fame. Terry hinted in an interview with the Daily Mail that he may have already been in contact with the Teen Mom star about this cosmetic surgical mishap. “We can’t talk about that,” Durbrow said, “but let’s assume that we may be involved with that at this point … that’s something she may need help with.” Drs. Dubrow and Nassif debuted the first season of their show, in which they fix Botched cosmetic procedures, in 2014. Season 2 returns in April. It makes you wonder if Farrah deliberately experienced this blunder with that in mind, although not even she would go that far for 15 minutes of fame. Probably not, right? We honestly wouldn’t put that past her completely. 27 Most Cringe-Worthy Farrah Abraham Pics 1. Farrah Abraham Vagina Costume Farrah Abraham dresses up like a vagina. You cannot make this stuff up. In any case, what the heck happened?! The 23-year-old says she researched the (unknown) doctor involved and decided the procedure was a safe bet. “She was wrong,” says an insider. “She says the doctors injected her with an anesthetic beforehand … and believes she had a MAJOR allergic reaction.” Abraham personally told her side of the story as such: “I was attempting to put in a lip implant, but while being relaxed by medication, the doctor used a method I was allergic to and I had a massive attack and went to [the ER].” “The hospital doctors let the other doctor know what he should not have done. I’m not on medicine for 5 days in order to clear up and heal my body from the attack.” “I never received the lip implant.” Goodness. Here’s hoping she can get this resolved, one way or the other, because these are among the most cringe-worthy of cringe-worthy Farrah photos.

Originally posted here:
Farrah Abraham Lip Injections: Can Botched Operation Be Fixed?!

Miley Cyrus Nip Slip Somehow Gets Past Instagram Censors!

In case you’re somehow not aware, Miley Cyrus enjoys taking her clothes off. In fact, nudity is central to her life philosophy. The former Hannah Montana doesn’t want to live in a world where she can’t get naked and smoke weed whenever and wherever she pleases.  She’s currently active in the ” free the nipple ” campaign which is a movement with the goal of convincing the powers that be at Instagram to stop censoring female breasts. Judging from her latest upload, it seems that the Miley and company have won their courageous battle: Either that, or the intern they put in charge of charge of monitoring Miley’s account round the clock dozed off for a minute. In any event, Miley has succeeded in showing the world her nipples once again. It’s not like Miley topless is anything we haven’t seen before, of course, but this time it’s different. Those are symbolic nipples. They stand for freedom, equality, and the power of a grassroots boob-showing campaign. We have a theory that Miley might be a master strategist, and she’s actually been messing with us for months. You see, anyone who’s been to Miley’s Instagram page knows that it’s full of baby photos superimposed on twerking bodies and other terrifying images. We think the goal there was to traumatize IG admins to the point that now when they come to Miley’s page and see some nipples, they’re like, “Well, those won’t give me nightmares for life. I’ll let ’em slide.” Well played, Cyrus. Well played. Miley Cyrus Free the Nipple Photos 1. Miley Cyrus Free the Nipple Photo Miley wants her nipples to be free. And her pizza. Apparently, those two things are related.

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Miley Cyrus Nip Slip Somehow Gets Past Instagram Censors!