Tag Archives: normally-follow

Karina Smirnoff And Sharna Burgess Bikini Pictures

I don’t normally follow Dancing with the Stars , but after these great bikini pictures of dancers Karina Smirnoff and Sharna Burgess , I definitely would if they did the next season from the beach. That idea’s on the house. Anyway, it looks like Karina and Sharna did it all on their beach day: volleyball, paddleboarding, sunbathing. The only big activity they missed was going motorboating with a blogger, but I’d be happy to take them out next time. Photos: Fameflynet

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Karina Smirnoff And Sharna Burgess Bikini Pictures

Lindsay Lohan Takes Her Cleavage To Court

Lindsay Lohan and her big beautiful breasts had to make an appearance at the county courtroom again yesterday to defend themselves against accusations of grand theft or some crap like that. I don’t really care and I don’t normally follow celebrity court cases, but Lindsay’s breasts are just too amazing not to keep track of this crap. I can’t look away. I don’t really care what the outcome is to be honest, but I don’t want to see any harm come to those beauties. Free Lindsay’s Boobs! No really, let them out.