Tag Archives: not-celebrate

Kira Kosarin in Underwear of the Day

Kira Kosarin is some kid who was exploited by her parents, they were Broadway performers, her mother as an actress and her father a music director, conductor and record producer…..She grew up acting, singing and dancing because of course she did, why would they have kids if they couldn’t throw them into the industry that they were trying to excel at themselves, you know ship her off to LA to show the world how well trained she was like this was the 20s and they were a touring Vaudeville family, only to get her a gig on Nickelodeon….and some fame…that she could use to build a Youtube Channel…where she can cover songs and one day release her own… It’s almost text book strategy so many people before her used, but thanks to the internet being full of retards it works… To make the strategy complete, get her in the trend of the times, in this case Calvins, and have her do a creepy photoshoot for the perverts, that will lead to more creepy photoshoots for the perverts, knowing that perverts fucking love creepy photoshoots and thus boost her numbers…because along with idiots on the internet, there are perverts…just leave a dude alone for 5 minutes and he’s googling “Nickelodean Stars in Underwear” and she brings it…

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Kira Kosarin in Underwear of the Day

Katrina Bowden Does Swimwear of the Day

Katrina Bowden is 29 according to her public records, but probably closer to 38 according to her driver’s license, because all these women lie about their age. She considers herself an actor, while no one else does, except maybe the pervert who still follows her on social media because he liked her in Piranha 3DD….Sex Drive and Scary Movie 5….PRETTY MUCH THE ONLY acting she has done ever… She is now working on a healthy lifestyle blog, because I guess the agents in LA are telling all their low levels to turn to social media, find an angle and reason to post slutty bathing suit pics, and do it with something marketable that targets women….because you will close some brand deals and that’s what it’s all about… I guess it’s smart to see her still hustling, because really…why the fuck not take some slutty pics for instagram, have an intern write articles on Carb Free Cookies, and have your agents lie to some marketing people to get her 5-10k to do a post that is actually worth 4 dollars, but when you put the whole “She was in Piranha 3DD” they see the value in her…. Weird times of everyone being a personal brand entrepreneur getting paid.

See the original post here:
Katrina Bowden Does Swimwear of the Day

JoJo’s Tits Out of the Day

JoJo who you probably remember – because you’re a creepy fucking pervert weirdo…has just mastered the latest kind of topless picture, one I haven’t seen before, that we call “Topless To Show Off and Celebrate Allergic Reactions”…. Most topless pics have a much less creative excuse to seem like it isn’t shameless or attention seeking, but rather just casual and sharing a story, or looking for support from her peers, who have allergic reactions like her… Trying to not celebrate her weak immune system, to inspire other weak immune systems, to not let their weak immune system make them feel like less of a person or like it is bringing them down….to make them feel inadequate. Take ownership on the weak immune system, celebrate it and post a topless pic you can polarize like a good strategic ho.

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JoJo’s Tits Out of the Day

Happy 43rd Birthday, Will Smith! What’s His Best Onscreen Moment?

I apologize to married titans Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, who also share birthdays on September 25, but Will Smith turns the big 4-3 today, and I’m already jiving to the Wild, Wild West theme with my best Carlton dance. You can’t not celebrate his birth. What’s your favorite Will Smith moment on the big screen?

Originally posted here:
Happy 43rd Birthday, Will Smith! What’s His Best Onscreen Moment?