Image credit: The Pig on Facebook As a British transplant to North Carolina, I have always been fascinated by this state’s barbecue culture. But as a flexitarian who eats mostly plant-based foods , and who tries to stick to local, humanely reared meat only on occasion, I’ve often been frustrated that the most long-time, traditional eateries also seem to serve the most intensively reared meat. It’s a problem that is not exclusive to barbecue, and it is a strangely ironic… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Excerpt from:
Ethical Barbecue: Can Traditional Eateries and Better Meat Coexist?
Posted in Hot Stuff, News
Tagged barbecue-joint, been-fascinated, better-meat, british, Facebook, food, humanely-reared, north-carolina, not-exclusive, serve-the-most, state, TMZ, vegetarian