Tag Archives: not-offended

Lisa Snowden is a British Nobody Crying for Attention Proper of the Day

Lisa Snowden is a British TV host who I’ve never heard of, so I am going to assume you’ve never heard of her either, but she definitely is hoping people hear of her, because she’s simulating sex with some black guy in the park in her bra, which may be normal behavior for some street hooker trying to make a living, but not for some woman who has been on TV and who I guess has some level of fame where she is from. I mean at least enough to get the paparazzi to take pics of the shit. I am not offended by girls with huge tits in their bra in public. I am not offended by white girls who fuck black guys. I get the appeal, not because I want to fuck black guys, but because white guys are little bitches.. I just think there’s a level of trash going on with this girl that is better suited for people who don’t get on TV… I am all for girls acting like porn chicks. I am all for girls putting themselves out there and fucking in public for some crazy stunt. I just think girls should act like ladies. It’s much more fun when they actually leak the nude pics…because even though we know they are intentional…we can at least try to believe the lie. With this girl, it’s like, we get what you are doing, we will look, but we won’t like or masturbate to it. Which to me means she’s doing her slut hustle all wrong. She should hire me as her slut hustle consultant. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Lisa Snowden is a British Nobody Crying for Attention Proper of the Day

Lindsey Vonn’s Bikini Pictures for Facebook of the Day

Lindsey Vonn is some 27 year old Olympic skier….something that doesn’t turn me on cuz I’ve been around skiers a long fucking time, I live in Canada…and I have even worked shitty jobs at ski hills….and the pros are all big ass, big leg, monster chicks…..but for some reason I’m not offended by these Lindsey Vonn bikin i pics…and that reason is fitness….you see cuz a fit chick, even if bigger, is substantially hotter than a sloppy chick…unless that sloppy chick is sloppy from an eating disorder and is weak….because that”s my favorite…..skin and bones motherfucker…skin and bones….

Originally posted here:
Lindsey Vonn’s Bikini Pictures for Facebook of the Day