Tag Archives: nothing-hot

Miranda Kerr in Her Bikini of the Day

Wanna know the number one way to ruin a set of supermodel, lingerie and bikini model, in her bikini when not getting paid, but cuz she likes it, all for the paparazzi pics….throw in her new born baby and husband into the mix…so that harsh reality of her vagina’s condition and the kind of wholesome girl she is…nothing hot about that… To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Miranda Kerr in Her Bikini of the Day

Eve’s Shitty See Through of the Day

This is supposed to be pictures of Eve. She is the ghetto rapper bitch with paw tattoos on her tits, a tattoo that inspired so many strippers to follow her lead, because like any great ad exec will tell you, the paw print on the tit represents animal instinct of wanting to put your paws all up and down her tits, it’s on some deep psychological level, even if the tits aren’t substantial, it’s like some kind of McDonald’s ad that makes me want to have a Big Mac, only instead of Big Macs, it’s rapper tit….and unfortunately this see thru is so shitty you can’t even see the tattoos that paved the way for some many gutter whores dancing on poles…you can’t see nipple…all you can really see is bra strap and there’s nothing hot about that…unless of course you have an Eve fetish, in which case, you may want to have that shit looked at, cuz that’s just not normal.

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Eve’s Shitty See Through of the Day

Um, Britney…..What Is Going On Here?

Britney Spears , honey, you seriously need some help. We spotted the “Womanizer” singer shopping on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills and usually we’d refer to her as a “hot mess” but there s nothing hot about the way she looks, leaving just the mess. No bra, unflattering strapless mini-dress, awful glasses and we’ve seen better hair on a homeless dog caught in the rain. Hopefully she picked up something more appropriate while shopping at Bebe.

Um, Britney…..What Is Going On Here?

Pink Riding Her 10 Speed of the Day

There’s nothing hot about Pink riding a bike, but that may be because there’s nothing hot about Pink. That’s all I have to say about that…it’s Friday and I’m hungover and seriously do not give a fuck about Pink and her fucking bike or her gay husband who doesn’t want to admit he’s gay so he gets with chicks who look like they have testicles…fuck yourself… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Pink Riding Her 10 Speed of the Day