Tag Archives: little-airport

Ellen Pompeo Brings the Question of the Day of the Day

Have any of you ever jerked off to Ellen Pompeo? (cuz I’m having a hard time beleiving anyone ever would, I’ve always found her old and sloppy looking, and she hasn’t really every been featured in slutty situations, other than her whole pregnancy, cuz pregnancy means taking load inside your slut pussy, and even in these almost see through workout clothes she is vile, but I wouldn’t put it past any of you so that is the question of the day, I didn’t ask it cuz I don’t want to know, so answer it)

See original here:
Ellen Pompeo Brings the Question of the Day of the Day

Eve’s Shitty See Through of the Day

This is supposed to be pictures of Eve. She is the ghetto rapper bitch with paw tattoos on her tits, a tattoo that inspired so many strippers to follow her lead, because like any great ad exec will tell you, the paw print on the tit represents animal instinct of wanting to put your paws all up and down her tits, it’s on some deep psychological level, even if the tits aren’t substantial, it’s like some kind of McDonald’s ad that makes me want to have a Big Mac, only instead of Big Macs, it’s rapper tit….and unfortunately this see thru is so shitty you can’t even see the tattoos that paved the way for some many gutter whores dancing on poles…you can’t see nipple…all you can really see is bra strap and there’s nothing hot about that…unless of course you have an Eve fetish, in which case, you may want to have that shit looked at, cuz that’s just not normal.

Continued here:
Eve’s Shitty See Through of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens’ See Thru Does Airport Security of the Day

I know that once Disney get their hands off this bitch, all hell is gonna break loose, because I can tell that she pushes her contractual limits as hard as she can, but isn’t an idiot willing to lose all the stupid money she gets paid for a little slutty instinct she’s got deep rooted in her core like so many girls exploited by their parents at a young age by being sold to the Disney Execs to have their way with them in exchange for a fat check, so despite her “nudes” that were leaked back when she was 17 and didn’t know about bikini waxes, but did know about SEXTING and taking the right kind of pictures for her boyfriends, just imagine where experience, not caring about what others think since we’ve all seen her shit, is gonna take this girl…..Here is a see-thru shirt, cuz she’s living on the edge, but in a few years, when Disney is done with her, and her fake relationship with a gay kid is contractually over, I know we’re talking some hardcore porn….I’m already ready for it… Here’s a little airport porn bonus…

Read the rest here:
Vanessa Hudgens’ See Thru Does Airport Security of the Day