Tag Archives: nurses-hold

Nurses Hold Actions Across Country Demanding Wall Street Transaction Tax


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I find it intriguing that the fact that nurses have stages protests against Wall Street has gotten pretty much no coverage in the mainstream media. I checked nurses + protest on Google News, and the only note take of their September 1 protest was a story in the Boston Herald and MarketWatch (but the latter merely published their press releases). Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : naked capitalism Discovery Date : 17/09/2011 09:47 Number of articles : 2

Nurses Hold Actions Across Country Demanding Wall Street Transaction Tax

Nurses Hold Actions Across Country Demanding Wall Street Transaction Tax


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I find it intriguing that the fact that nurses have stages protests against Wall Street has gotten pretty much no coverage in the mainstream media. I checked nurses + protest on Google News, and the only note take of their September 1 protest was a story in the Boston Herald and MarketWatch (but the latter merely published their press releases). Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : naked capitalism Discovery Date : 17/09/2011 09:47 Number of articles : 2

Nurses Hold Actions Across Country Demanding Wall Street Transaction Tax