Tag Archives: obama vacation

Obama Hawaii Vacation Home: First Look!

Good news for President Barack Obama: His Hawaiian vacation home is straight baller. Bad news: He’s already peacing out to go work on fiscal cliff negotiations back in D.C. So it goes for the Prez. At least the First Family enjoyed a few days in his home state of Hawaii (as proven by Obama’s birth certificate , Donald Trump), for some holiday R&R. The Obamas have vacationed in Hawaii for several years in a row now. This year they returned to the same home they rented at Christmas 2011, a place located on the windward side of the island of Oahu on Kailua Beach. It’s pretty sweet, to put it mildly. The property is 6,000 square feet with 5 bedrooms, 6 baths and an contemporary Asian theme, with a market value of approximately $7.9 million.  They only rent the home, of course. Obama’s presidential salary and book royalties don’t put him anywhere near that league … at least until 2017 when he can start charging speaking fees. Check out more photos below:

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Obama Hawaii Vacation Home: First Look!

Hi Haters: The Obamas In Hot Water For Making It Rain On All Of Their Family Vacations

The Obamas and their vacations are causing some issues. Conservative pundits are putting the Obamas over the coals for the number of family vacations they have taken. Reportedly, the Obamas have traveled 16 times in the three years they’ve been in the White House, and Republican and conservative naysayers are lambasting the reported costs of the trips, even though Obama’s predecessor, former President George W. Bush, took far more vacation days with his family. On Monday, the Washington Examiner reported the number of vacations the First Family has taken since 2009, mentioning that Bush himself took 30 such trips during his third year in office. The Examiner’s take on Bush’s vacations were that they happened stateside at his ranch in Texas whereas the Obamas’ trips have traipsed the globe. The Examiner further alleges that critics on both sides of the aisle are not happy with the extravagant spending the Obamas have done on vacationing to public vacation areas in comparison to Bush doing smaller scale jaunts on his own property. They also claim that it is a greater cost to the public, when the Obamas travel publicly. The piece also mentioned a Hawaii Reporter article that said the Obamas’ Christmas vacation last year cost more than $1 million. We see both sides here. Bush took way more vacations than Obama did, but his were cheaper. Of course, George W. had a crapload more money than Obama to spend. Maybe Obeezy can take some cheaper trips and call it a day. Pic via WENN Source More On Bossip! Put On Blast: One Of Game’s Black Wall Street Homies Posts TwitPic Of Gloria Govan In His Bed, eBeefs With Matt Barnes! Not So Secret: We Decipher All The Hidden Messages Rih Rih And Breezy Sent Each Other On Their New Songs Together! Sidepiece Showdown Pt. 2: Hollyweird’s Most Notorious Mistresses From Riches To Rags: A Gallery Of Huge, Multi-Million Dollar, Ballerific Cribs That Have Been Foreclosed On

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Hi Haters: The Obamas In Hot Water For Making It Rain On All Of Their Family Vacations