Tag Archives: obscure-lesbian

Taylor Swift’s Cameltoe of the Day

When Taylor Swift is not filling her pussy up with 18 year old Kennedy cock she is trying to marry….she’s filling it up with fabric…. She’s a wholesome for the sake of her career, money maker with the best scam…singing tedious…poptart…candy coated generic bullshit tween songs that have the intellectual substance of a kids show….that say all the obvious shit that have the same depth as a fucking puddle…for the retards of the world to relate to….cuz most people don’t have fucking brains…. Her shit is on the radio whenever I turn on the radio and that’s the kind of shit that makes me want to blow my fucking brains out…but instead all wait for this cartoon character of a teen icon to fucking crack…cuz you know it will…and one day her stage show will involve her screaming death medal or obscure lesbian art songs about rape and torture while fisting herself covered in pigs blood…cuz flowers and butterflies bullshit with no substance only last so long before serious fucking collapse….you can only be a marketing tool….corporate puppet for so long before the real you wants to break free….and this fabric insertion is a start….a foreshadow of what’s to come… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Taylor Swift’s Cameltoe of the Day