Tag Archives: obviously-being

Tess Holliday Gets Body-Shamed by an Uber Driver, Reacts Like a Boss

Tess Holliday is a gift to this world, let's just be real about that. She's absolutely stunning, for one, but her beauty isn't only on the outside. Tess, as a plus-size model, has always been very outspoken on how ridiculous traditional beauty standards are , why body-shaming should never happen, and why we should all just let people live. Unfortunately, she still has to deal with body-shaming on a regular basis. Just this week, it turns out, she experienced it while using Uber. We know because she got on Instagram to tell us the whole weird story. And also to send a pretty pointed message to the company in question. “Hey @uber,” she began her post. “I don't pay more to use your 'black car' service to be told that there's no way I could possibly be healthy because I'm fat & then questioning it.” “No one should have to tolerate this at any level of the services you offer.” “I'm fat,” she wrote. “I also have a fat wallet & will no longer be using your services. Ever.” “Also after I told him I was healthy he turned the radio off & changed the subject.” She added a video from the incident, which you can see below. In it, the driver, who she points out is overweight himself, asks her about her cholesterol, like it is even a tiny bit of his business. Still, she told him “My cholesterol's fine, I'm perfect. Yep, I am healthy.” And then, because the world can be a terrible place full of terrible people and so much sadness and shame, Tess was criticized in the comments of the video because she called her driver “fat.” She edited her caption to explain that “Saying my driver is fat was obviously being used as a descriptor & not to insult him.” “Also I did not show his face or use his name when filming, it was to be able to show what I deal with daily & why this behavior is unacceptable from anyone.” It makes sense — she refers to herself as “fat” all the time, and she clearly uses it as an adjective and not an insult. And still, even after that, the comments were flooded with people slamming her for boycotting Uber because of this one driver, and for “overreacting” to this man's questions. It's all just so, so dumb. This guy had absolutely no reason to ask Tess about her cholesterol or about her health, because it's not his business. She paid him to drive her, her health is not his concern. See some of the questioning Tess experienced in the video below:

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Tess Holliday Gets Body-Shamed by an Uber Driver, Reacts Like a Boss

Tess Holliday Gets Body-Shamed by an Uber Driver, Reacts Like a Boss

Tess Holliday is a gift to this world, let's just be real about that. She's absolutely stunning, for one, but her beauty isn't only on the outside. Tess, as a plus-size model, has always been very outspoken on how ridiculous traditional beauty standards are , why body-shaming should never happen, and why we should all just let people live. Unfortunately, she still has to deal with body-shaming on a regular basis. Just this week, it turns out, she experienced it while using Uber. We know because she got on Instagram to tell us the whole weird story. And also to send a pretty pointed message to the company in question. “Hey @uber,” she began her post. “I don't pay more to use your 'black car' service to be told that there's no way I could possibly be healthy because I'm fat & then questioning it.” “No one should have to tolerate this at any level of the services you offer.” “I'm fat,” she wrote. “I also have a fat wallet & will no longer be using your services. Ever.” “Also after I told him I was healthy he turned the radio off & changed the subject.” She added a video from the incident, which you can see below. In it, the driver, who she points out is overweight himself, asks her about her cholesterol, like it is even a tiny bit of his business. Still, she told him “My cholesterol's fine, I'm perfect. Yep, I am healthy.” And then, because the world can be a terrible place full of terrible people and so much sadness and shame, Tess was criticized in the comments of the video because she called her driver “fat.” She edited her caption to explain that “Saying my driver is fat was obviously being used as a descriptor & not to insult him.” “Also I did not show his face or use his name when filming, it was to be able to show what I deal with daily & why this behavior is unacceptable from anyone.” It makes sense — she refers to herself as “fat” all the time, and she clearly uses it as an adjective and not an insult. And still, even after that, the comments were flooded with people slamming her for boycotting Uber because of this one driver, and for “overreacting” to this man's questions. It's all just so, so dumb. This guy had absolutely no reason to ask Tess about her cholesterol or about her health, because it's not his business. She paid him to drive her, her health is not his concern. See some of the questioning Tess experienced in the video below:

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Tess Holliday Gets Body-Shamed by an Uber Driver, Reacts Like a Boss

BOSSIP Exclusive: Chris Bosh – My Jobless Baby Mama Is Just After My Money!

Chris Bosh And Ex-Allison Mathis In Court Battle Over “Basketball Wives” Appearance Chris Bosh’s baby mama is a money grubbing leech who hasn’t held a full time job in her entire life – so says the NBA star who has headed back to court in his nasty legal battle with his ex over millions… in her lawsuit demanding he pay damages for getting her fired from “Basketball Wives.” Bosh and baby mama Allison Mathis have been fighting for years in court over their daughter Trinity. The case had gotten so nasty that a Florida judge ripped them apart in court, telling them to stop acting like children and to focus on what is important … their daughter. The two finally reached a settlement agreement in the custody/support battle last year. However, the two are still battling each other in a civil lawsuit. Back in 2011, Bosh sued his Mathis along with “Basketball Wives” production company Shed Media. He claimed that producers and Mathis – who was set to appear on the third season of the show – were going to infringe on his trademark and publicity rights. He demanded the show not be allowed to utter his name and his baby mama not be allowed to film the show. Mathis was eventually dropped from the show prior to the start of production. However, Mathis counter-sued the NBA star claiming he ruined her deal without cause and accused him of lying to the show producers about her having signed a confidentiality clause. A judge later dismissed Bosh’s lawsuit and Mathis’ lawsuit has been pending since 2011, with both parties still battling it out over her claim he made her lose up to $250,000 by interfering with her TV deal. She demanded Bosh be ordered to pay up the money she lost in the deal. Bosh denied he caused her to lose the “Basketball Wives” deal and said he was only looking out for his own interest. Recently, Mathis headed back to court because she believes she is owed a lot more in damages for what Bosh did to her. She filed docs in the lawsuit in which she is requesting she be allowed to change her original complaint to now seek punitive damages – which in Florida can be up to $2 million dollars extra on top of the other damages she may be awarded in her case.

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BOSSIP Exclusive: Chris Bosh – My Jobless Baby Mama Is Just After My Money!

Sweet Blended Family Love: Ciara & Russell Wilson Take Baby Future To Dodgers Stadium

Don’t tell Future… Ciara, Russell Wilson & Future Visit L.A.’s Dodgers Stadium Ciara and Russell Wilson recently enjoyed a family outing in L.A. Russell and CiCi took Los Angeles’ Dodgers stadium. The happy couple and CiCi’s son baby Future were photographed checking out the stadium while wearing matching outfits… and even got a shout out from the Dodgers’ official Twitter who caught Russell and Future holding hands. Thanks for stopping by @DangeRussWilson and @ciara ! #WeLoveLA pic.twitter.com/2oHnIIvn7n — Los Angeles Dodgers (@Dodgers) February 24, 2016 Sooo precious, riiiiight? Unfortunately for CiCi, Future fans are alleging that the entire photo shoot was a shot at her baby’s father Future whose ranted about his son being used for “publicity stunts .” Ciara is obviously being petty and spiteful by bringing her son around Russell and always making sure cameras are around. She's clever lol — Cuffs The Legend (@CuffsTheLegend) February 24, 2016 None of the pics I've seen Russell Wilson in with Ciara and young Future look organic. Everyone looks like well thought out pose. — Myckaroni Tony (@TonyTuss) February 24, 2016 Really???? Is Ciara just not EVER supposed to let her son be around her new man?! Hit the flip for more reactions to the Russell, Ciara and baby Future preciousness.

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Sweet Blended Family Love: Ciara & Russell Wilson Take Baby Future To Dodgers Stadium

Top-Secret America Spiraling Out of Control‎

A hidden world, growing beyond control The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work. These are some of the findings of a two-year investigation by The Washington Post that discovered what amounts to an alternative geography of the United States, a Top Secret America hidden from public view and lacking in thorough oversight. After nine years of unprecedented spending and growth, the result is that the system put in place to keep the United States safe is so massive that its effectiveness is impossible to determine. The investigation's other findings include: * Some 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in about 10,000 locations across the United States. * An estimated 854,000 people, nearly 1.5 times as many people as live in Washington, D.C., hold top-secret security clearances. * In Washington and the surrounding area, 33 building complexes for top-secret intelligence work are under construction or have been built since September 2001. Together they occupy the equivalent of almost three Pentagons or 22 U.S. Capitol buildings – about 17 million square feet of space. * Many security and intelligence agencies do the same work, creating redundancy and waste. For example, 51 federal organizations and military commands, operating in 15 U.S. cities, track the flow of money to and from terrorist networks. * Analysts who make sense of documents and conversations obtained by foreign and domestic spying share their judgment by publishing 50,000 intelligence reports each year – a volume so large that many are routinely ignored. These are not academic issues; lack of focus, not lack of resources, was at the heart of the Fort Hood shooting that left 13 dead, as well as the Christmas Day bomb attempt thwarted not by the thousands of analysts employed to find lone terrorists but by an alert airline passenger who saw smoke coming from his seatmate. They are also issues that greatly concern some of the people in charge of the nation's security. “There has been so much growth since 9/11 that getting your arms around that – not just for the DNI [Director of National Intelligence], but for any individual, for the director of the CIA, for the secretary of defense – is a challenge,” Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in an interview with The Post last week. In the Department of Defense, where more than two-thirds of the intelligence programs reside, only a handful of senior officials – called Super Users – have the ability to even know about all the department's activities. But as two of the Super Users indicated in interviews, there is simply no way they can keep up with the nation's most sensitive work. “I'm not going to live long enough to be briefed on everything” was how one Super User put it. The other recounted that for his initial briefing, he was escorted into a tiny, dark room, seated at a small table and told he couldn't take notes. Program after program began flashing on a screen, he said, until he yelled ''Stop!” in frustration. “I wasn't remembering any of it,” he said. Underscoring the seriousness of these issues are the conclusions of retired Army Lt. Gen. John R. Vines, who was asked last year to review the method for tracking the Defense Department's most sensitive programs. Vines, who once commanded 145,000 troops in Iraq and is familiar with complex problems, was stunned by what he discovered. picture: http://warisboring.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/top-secret.jpg READ MORE AT LINK: http://projects.washingtonpost.com/top-secret-america/articles/a-hidden-world-gr… added by: pinkpanther

Glenn Beck Has Macular Dystrophy: Causes Central Vision Blindness

Conservative radio and television host Glenn Beck told a weekend gathering in Salt Lake City that he is going blind. He has been diagnosed with Macular dystrophy, which has no known treatment or cure. He could lose his central vision in a year. added by: gmc1

Man hit by six meteorites is being ‘targeted by aliens’

If you believe in aliens and that they visit Earth, but wondered why don't they speak to us? then you might want to blame Radivoje Lajic. According to the article Radivoje think he's annoyed some extraterrestrials because they keep hitting his house with meteorites, so far he's counted 6. “Lajic has his own explanation, of course. After the fifth rock struck his house, he said: 'I am obviously being targeted by extraterrestrials. I don't know what I have done to annoy them but there is no other explanation that makes sense. The chance of being hit by a meteorite is so small that getting hit six times has to be deliberate.'”-Metro Come on aliens leave old man Lajic alone, he says in the article he can't sleep when it rains because he thinks you're throwing more rocks at him. Damn neighbourhood kid aliens. added by: Mcellie

Lindsay Lohan Cocaine Pic Sparks Controversy

“What!?? That’s a set up that’s so untrue.” – Lindsay Lohan on the image below In truth, this is Lindsay Lohan’s reaction to pretty much anything. Point fingers, blame others, lie through her teeth and live in denial. Whatever works! She’s already accused her dad of ganking her passport , stranding her in Cannes. But when there’s no easy scapegoat around … just scream “set up!” The troubled star, already causing problems for the L.A. County penal system by failing to show up in court this week, is now in even more hot water. A photo surfacing on TMZ showing Lindsay partying with a strange white powder in the foreground could potentially mean more probation violations. If nothing else, it’s another sign Lindsay’s going to die if she’s not careful: Lindsay Lohan allegedly does coke with a couple of peeps . A spokesperson for the L.A. County D.A.’s office says this won’t be brought up in court Monday, when Lindsay has been ordered to appear before the judge. The spokesperson says there is no way the pic can be used in court because you could never prove what was on the table (despite it obviously being coke). So she’s in the clear … on this one minor issue. The warrant for her arrest earlier this week was rescinded after she posted bail, but Lohan still has to account for not complying with her probation terms. Her lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, lambasted TMZ and others, saying “It is difficult for Lindsay to get a fair shake because her every move is chronicled by TMZ and others. This creates an unavoidable frenzy around her case.” “It subjects her to a level of scrutiny which non-celebrities do not face.” Maybe so, Shawn, but the train wreck also asks for that scrutiny. Daily. Lindsay Lohan belongs in …

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Lindsay Lohan Cocaine Pic Sparks Controversy