Tag Archives: occupy-colleges

Nancy Pelosi: GOP Voting to Let Women ‘Die on the Floor’


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Did you know that Republicans are preparing to let women die on the floor? That’s according to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who made some shocking statements in a press conference today. “For a moment, I want to get back to what was asked about the issue on the floor today that Mr. Hoyer address,” Pelosi said. “He made a point and I want to emphasize it. Under this bill, when the Republicans… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 13/10/2011 17:37 Number of articles : 2

Nancy Pelosi: GOP Voting to Let Women ‘Die on the Floor’

Millennials & Politics: Occupy Wall Street, Activism, And Voting


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The Occupy Wall Street movement has captured the attention of students across the country. In fact, today, there is an Occupy Colleges protest scheduled for 4:30pm, when students at more than 90 colleges plan to walk out of class to show their solidarity with the Wall Street movement. More than half a million people have Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : B2C Marketing Insider Discovery Date : 13/10/2011 22:09 Number of articles : 2

Millennials & Politics: Occupy Wall Street, Activism, And Voting