Being a celebrity or public figure means all eyes are on you. People have to be on top of their finances, their relationship with the tax man, learn not to be shady and keep it real. When they don’t that’s when isht gets exposed. Here are 10 folks accused of fraud. Continue reading →
Is proof of Octomom Nadya Suleman’s alleged welfare fraud evident in profits she raked in from her adult film debut? According to a new report … yes. Authorities investigating the mom of 14 turned up more proof of possible welfare fraud thanks to paychecks from the Octomom porn , according to TMZ. The L.A. County of Welfare and Fraud Department believes she Nadya Suleman was overpaid thousands of dollars in welfare funds from January-May 2013. Authorities seized payment records from Vivid, the company that produced and sold the Octomom porn, and found her residual payments from the work: January: $1,839.74 February: $2,537.27 March: $1,807.97 April: $7,381.99 May: $3,026.67 June: $1,295.37 That’s a six-month total of $17,889.01 in just residuals. She’s already accused of banking around twice the $110,000 threshold she needs to collect welfare. Yes, because Nadya Suleman has 14 dependents, she can earn $110,000 a year and still be on public assistance. Yet officials think she cleared $200K-plus. Octomom could be charged with fraud and face prison time, which may be the only thing worse than watching her XXX video or the Sydney Leathers porn .
Octomom Nadya Suleman received a lovely housewarming gift last weekend. Eggs. Lots and lots of eggs. Lobbed at her residence from the street, that is. The mother of 14 wasn’t there – she was attending a drag queen show at a nightclub – but the Octo-brood was there to witness the egging Friday evening. Welcome to Palmdale. It wasn’t until the next morning that she discovered the vandalism. According to TMZ, it took Octomom $100 to clean it up, and an extra $100 to exterminate the small army of ants the rotting eggs attracted from all around. The suburban attackers are still on the loose, and Halloween isn’t for another two weeks. You can imagine they’ll be back with reinforcements then. [Photo:]
Two former nannies for Octomom Nadya Suleman claim she allowed one of her children to sexually abuse another child in her home, according to a new report. According to L.A.’s CBS2, the nannies have contacted Child Protective Services and told officials that they personally witnessed sexual abuse from the kid. The nannies don’t say Octomom personally sexually abused anyone, however: According to one nanny, “(One of the boys) would take (his sibling) away and take her to another area. And he would be touching her.” Nadya tied her eight newborns to their bed with cheese cloths around their waists to keep them from getting out of their cribs at one point. Octo “never did (anything). ‘It’s okay, don’t worry about it.’ That’s her attitude.” She also blocked their bedroom door with a chair so she could take a nap. This is even more terrifying than having to sit through the Octomom porn trailer. La Habra, Calif., police say they investigated the Octomom allegations and plan to send the case to the Orange County D.A. in the next several days. Nadya Suleman tells TMZ, predictably, that the allegations are all bogus. “All of this is blatant lies,” Suleman says, calling them obsessed with her. “[The nannies] are hating because they can’t have what I have,” she said. Okay then, Octo. Nadya has been investigated by Child Protective Services once before, it’s worth noting, and no actions were taken against the mother of 14 in any case. Stay tuned. [Photo:]
Looks like Farrah Abraham’s “On My Own” has some competition for worst song released in the past week … or in the history of human civilization. Octomom Nadya Suleman – yes, Octomom is RECORDING MUSIC now – has a new dance track entitled “Sexy Party” coming out in the near future. The 30-second sneak peek below, which TMZ first posted, is rather amazing, as it features Octo counting in Spanish and plugging her payday loan site . WARNING: May cause sudden vomiting and/or uncontrollable laughter.
How much would you pay to date Octomom Nadya Suleman? If you said $2,510, you’re both really good at this game or certifiably nuts. Either way, you can experience the aforementioned scenario. How? The adult film star, payday loan spokeswoman and otherwise employed mother of 14 is auctioning off a date with herself to earn some cash money. Wonder how new BF Frankie Grageda feels about this … Facing imminent foreclosure and removal from her La Habra, Calif., home, apparently Nadya begging fans for mortgage help didn’t do the trick. Octomom created an online dating profile for a site called What’sYourPrice (dot) com, where users can pay other users to go out with them. There’s at least some interest out there in the baby factory. Bidding started at a modest $500, and has since escalated to a more respectable $2,509 . Whoever bid that needs a psych evaluation, but $2,510 and she’s yours for the taking. Her profile says she has 14 kids and loves to laugh. The only question: What the heck you all waiting for, guys!?! Octomom Nadya Suleman: Would you hit it? [Photo: Pacific Coast News]
It’s good to see that the Octomom Nadya Suleman is doing everything she can to take care of her kids and that includes stripping topless on poles and showing off her big breasts in the club for the punters Continue reading →
This guy is crazier than we all thought!!! According to TMZ reports : A man claiming to be James Holmes created a profile on a popular sex website just days before “The Dark Knight Rises” massacre … in which he described his Johnson as “short/average” … and law enforcement sources tell TMZ investigators are now looking at the site to determine its authenticity. “Holmes” created the profile on July 5 — and included a picture of himself with reddish, orange hair … just as officials in Aurora, CO said he looked when he was apprehended Friday morning. “Holmes” — who used the screen name classicjimbo — included a cryptic message on the top of the profile which reads, “Will you visit me in prison?” In his profile, “Holmes” says he’s 6’0″ and single … with an athletic body. Note — the FBI says Holmes is 6’3″. “Holmes” describes himself as a “light/social drinker” … but in the section where he’s asked if he smokes or does drugs, he answered, “I’d prefer not to say.” Oh, but that’s just the beginning… “Holmes” also noted that he’s circumcised. “Holmes” described himself as a straight man … and said he was seeking a sexual relationship with “Women, Couples (man and woman), Groups or Couples (2 women).” “Holmes” also notes that he’s interested in “Freaky Chat or Email, Discreet Relationship, 1-on-1 sex or Group sex (3 or more!)” In the section marked, “Introduction” … “Holmes” said, “Looking for a fling or casual sex gal. Am a nice guy. Well, as nice enough of a guy who does these sort of shenanigans.” Yeah azzhole, we are all very aware of your “shenanigans”. There are a few guys in the prison you’re headed to that may be able to help you with “finding an adult friend”. Maybe this guy was really off them bath salts, just a thought. Continued thoughts and prayers go out to the city of Aurora and the families affected. Image via AdultFriendFinder
Clap for her…and she’ll make it clap for you Octomom Nadya Suleman Makes Enough Money To Get Off Of Welfare According to TMZ reports : Rest easy America, your tax dollars are safe … ’cause Octomom + Porn + Stripping = NO MORE WELFARE!!!!! Sources tell TMZ … the mother of 14 no longer needs government assistance thanks to her various XXX gigs. We’re told Octo has raked in more than enough cash to support herself — we’re talkin’ 6-figs. TMZ broke the story … Octo went on welfare back in March (resulting in a slew of death threats) claiming she needed the cash to help feed her family. But as of June, her 3-month cycle ended and she chose NOT to renew it. We’re told Octo still stands by her decision to go on welfare in the first place … but she’s happy to show the world it was just a temporary situation. Here’s the lesson ladies, if you ever find yourself with more kids than you can handle, get naked and get paid! Way to go hoe! *2 thumbs up* SMMFH… Image via SplashNews
Octomom Nadya Suleman stripped down like a pro Friday night at Playhouse Gentleman’s Club in Hallandale, Fla., and OMFG there are pics!!!!!!!!! Sorry. After months of anticipation and one lawsuit from a strip club she was initially supposed to perform at but bailed on, Octo made her debut last night. If there were ever a picture worth 1,000 words (well, besides the Octomom porn trailer) it’s this one of Nadya Suleman grinding on that pole … Even though her time on stage was short – only two songs – the mother of 14 went all out with costumes, props and the like, as seen in these TMZ pics. Her first song choice was set to Rihanna’s song “S&M” (a fitting choice) and in her second, she donned a naughty schoolgirl outfit. BEYOND seductive. If you’re interested, and we can totally understand if you’re not, click to enlarge more Nadya Suleman photos from her strip club debut right here … [Photos: TMZ]