Tag Archives: officer-spotted

Freakazoid-Young Spanish Teacher Popped Giving Brains & Boca In Back Of Whip To 16-Yr Old Student! [Video]

How many of you think the boy was packing young black kid?: HUBER HEIGHTS–A Wayne High School Teacher is accused of having sex with a minor. Kelsey Hartmann, 27, was arrested Wednesday in Huber Heights. According to a police report, an officer spotted Hartmann’s car on Endicott Road, near Canal Lock Park, and when he looked inside saw Hartmann performing oral sex on a male passenger. Initially the male told Police he was 18, then he said he was 16. He eventually told police, Hartmann was his Spanish teacher. The teen also told police, he and Hartmann had sex before, in another vehicle. Huber Heights Superintendent Susan Gunnell said Hartmann teaches Spanish at Wayne High School and was hired in 2009. Gunnell said Hartmann is on paid administrative leave, until further notice. Hartmann is scheduled to appear in a Montgomery County courtroom tomorrow for an arraignment hearing. ABC 22/FOX 45 tried to contact Hartmann, but could not reach her for comment. Hey, they just can’t help themselves… the population in Huber is 13% black. youtube

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Freakazoid-Young Spanish Teacher Popped Giving Brains & Boca In Back Of Whip To 16-Yr Old Student! [Video]