Source: Shareif Ziyadat / Shareif Ziyadat Jesse Williams Answers Some Questions From Fans Grey’s Anatomy star Jesse Williams is the latest celebrity to stop by Buzzfeed to not only answer some fan questions, but play with some seriously adorable puppies along the way. While he basks in some puppy preciousness, Williams talks about the Grey’s Anatomy cast group text, gives us insight into his time as a school teacher, and details his favorite episodes are from the series he’s been a part of for so long.
Source: Image via OWN / OWN “Queen Sugar” Season 4 Trailer There’s (more) Ava Duvernay directed drama brewing in the bayou. The Bordelons are back in the trailer for season 4 of Ava Duvernay’s “Queen Sugar.” In it, we see the family continuing their fight to save their farm and preserve their father’s legacy. Charley isn’t stopping her battle against the Landry family all while trying to ensure Micah’s safety and future. As for her sister Nova, she’s successfully published her memoir and while she goes on a book tour around the country sharing her family secrets and shaking things up at home, she unexpectedly encounters significant relationships from her past along the way. Inexplicably chocolatey panty melter Ralph Angel is managing fatherhood and yes, Darla’s around even though Ralph Angel is well aware that he’s not the biological father of his son, Blue. We’ll see a more level headed Ralph Angel this season, one who’s encouraged by an old friend to create opportunities for formerly incarcerated men like himself. Once again (our girl) Ava is continuing the series’ use of an all-female directing team. Season 4 directors will include Cheryl Dunye, who will also serve as producing director, Carmen Marrón, Numa Perrier, Heidi Saman, Bola Ogun, and Tchaiko Omawale. Watch the “Queen Sugar” season 4 trailer below.
Source: skynesher / Getty North Carolina School Teacher Resigns After Threatening Mass Shooting What in THE entire f**k is going on here?!? An elementary school teacher in Hillsborough, N.C., Kristen Thompson, has resigned after her colleagues reported her for threatening to shoot up Pathways Elementary School according to Fox8 . Thompson has bee charged with communicating a threat of mass violence by the Orange County Sheriff’s office: “This situation is being handled by law enforcement with the safety of our students and school staff as our utmost concern. Meanwhile, this situation is also being dealt with by school leadership as a personnel issue as well as a safety one. As such, the principal and other administrators are strictly forbidden by law from sharing information about the case. A threat of school violence is understandably unsettling for the community. Please know that the school and law enforcement are working together as a team to ensure the last few weeks of the school year are safe and productive for our students.” Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! It’s bad enough we have to worry about psychopaths murdering school kids, now we gotta worry about the damn teachers too?!?! SMH.
The very rich, seemingly very spoiled and apparently very racist daughter of ex-Washington Redskins owner Jack Kent Cooke was arrested yesterday following an altercation on New Year’s Eve. And we’re talking about one doozy of an altercation. According to TMZ, People Magazine and other outlets, the ugly incident took place at Caravaggio, a restaurant on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It also took place on New Year’s Eve. Cooke was allegedly waiting in line to get her coat when she grew irritating, yelling at a 77-year old in front of her: “Hurry up, Jew. I got places to be.” In response, the woman’s son, Matthew Haberkorn, followed the 29-year old Cooke outside and confronted her about this inappropriate comment. And Cooke stood quietly, listened to the man and apologized. Just kidding! She reportedly attacked Haberkorn with her glass purse, opening up two huge wounds on his face. There’s actually video of the beating, in which you can hear Matthew say “She just f*cking hit me!” Cooke fires back: “You called me a f-cking bitch. You called me a cunt.” And then Matthew again: “You called me a f-cking Jew.” Haberkorn also shared two photos of his lacerations on social media shortly after everything went down. Cooke and her boyfriend eventually left the scene, but authorities later arrested her for felony assault. In addition to the physical harm caused to Haberkorn’s head, his attorney says the normally “mellow Californian” is “very distressed.” Translation: he will be filing a major lawsuit against the heiress. “The damage was what you saw in the photo, but it goes beyond that,” Andrew T. Miltenberg tells People Magazine. The lawyer adds that Haberkorn intends to press charges and sue Cooke civilly for what they allege was a hate crime and civil rights violation. Jack Kent Cooke passed away in April of 1997 after having owned the Redskins and, at other times, the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Kings. He left behind about $1 billion in assets, according to the Washington Post. However, he only provided his daughter with a $50,000 annual stipend, prompting her to file a lawsuit against her father’s estate in 2007 because she wanted more money each year. She sounds like a real peach.
You probably know Mackenzie McKee best for her time on Teen Mom 3, and for her subsequent wild and crazy antics . But today, Mackenzie is in the news for a different, much more upsetting reason … It’s because she just revealed that her mother, Angie Douthit, has been diagnosed with brain cancer. It sounds like the family just got the news on Tuesday — that night, Mackenzie tweeted “Haven’t cried this hard in over ten years. By far the worst night of my life.” A few hours later, she asked “all prayer warriors” to “please pray for my mom.” “What we thought was bronchitis turned out to be 3 masses on her brain, 1 large imone in her lungs and multiple blood clots,” she explained. “We are in shock and devastated. She has brain surgery tomorrow. I’m sick. I’m so sick and want to wake up from this nightmare.” Yesterday, Angie did have the brain surgery, but TMZ reports that things are even worse than they previously thought. Doctors found two more lesions in her brain, as well as multiple masses in her lungs. She’s been diagnosed with stage four brain cancer. The family has made a GoFundMe account to help with the costs of treatment — remember, although Mackenzie was a Teen Mom, the girls from Teen Mom 3 only filmed for one season, and they never made the money the other moms did. In the information for the fundraiser, Angie’s family explains that her tumors “cover almost the entire brain,” and the cancer “started in her lungs with several masses and spread to her brain.” “Angie has always been the healthiest person,” she “doesn’t smoke and never did,” and she also abstains from alcohol, eats organic, and runs marathons, “so this has come as a complete shock to the family.” In an update, it was revealed that Angie will get an MRI and a bone scan today, along with a few other tests, to determine the course of treatments. In another heartbreaking update, Angie herself wrote that her family had given her running gear for Christmas, and “Since I can’t run right now, I challenge all of u to run for me tomorrow believing that I will soon get to run and wear my new things.” Yesterday, Mackenzie shared a collage of photos of her mother on Instagram, calling her “the most amazing woman I know.” “She taught me everything I know. She is the only reason I am the woman I am today. I love you Mom. I’m devastated, I’m angry, I’m shook, I can’t breathe.” “You are everything,” she finished. “Please pray.” In a statement she gave to Us Weekly, Mackenzie echoed the information on Angie’s GoFundMe page, saying “She is the healthiest person I know. Eats healthier than me. Always organic.” “Doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, she is a school teacher so she has no money. She runs marathons and works out two to three times a day. This does not run in our family.” “I am so sad,” she continued. “I can barely breathe. I can not lose her.” “She did ask that I blog her whole journey and make a documentary in case something does happen we will always have that. I know God will use her to speak to others.” View Slideshow: Mackenzie & Josh McKee: Teen Mom 3
Image via Getty School Teacher In Ireland Murders Family After Caught Masturbating At Work This is a disturbing intersection of perverted teachers and diabolical murderers… According to NYPost , a teacher named Alan Hawe was caught masturbating at his school in Ireland. Upon being dismissed from his post and being shamed publicly, Hawe took his bare hands along with a knife and a hatchet and slaughtered his entire family before taking his own life. Hawe killed his wife, Clodagh, 39, and their children Liam, 14, Niall, 11, and Ryan, 6. According to The Sun , Hawe was a well-respected member of his community and was devastated by the loss of his fake azz reputation. Clodagh’s sister Jacqueline Connolly and mum Mary Coll said in a statement: “We are aware that he was concerned at his imminent fall from that position and the breakdown of his marriage.” Make some room in the VIP in Hell, got a new member comin’ through…
Jessie Lorene Goline, a 25-year old art teacher from northeast Arkansas, was arrested on Wednesday due to accusations that she had inappropriate relationships with four students. By which we mean she’s accused of having SEX with four students. According to a filing in Craighead County Circuit Court, Goline has been charged with one count of first degree sexual assault. Why only one, if she presumably slept with four students? Because only one of those students was under the age of 18. An affidavit cited by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette says Goline claims that student turned out to be “way younger than what he told her,” but that is far beside the point, of course. Goline has admitted to sleeping with all four of these individuals. The reported acts took place between January and April of 2016, authorities say. The Democrat-Gazette writes that Goline would send these four unnamed teenagers text messages that grew increasingly sexual over time. One of the victims alleges that his teacher commented on his good looks in front of the class and then sent him a photograph of herself in a thong. Moreover, Goline brought two of the students back to her apartment and had sex with them in separate incidents… on the same day, it has now been confirmed. One student says he was dropped off by a friend at Goline’s residence in Jonesboro, where the two had sexual intercourse. And then another student, who was enrolled in Goline’s class, says the teacher picked him up in the afternoon and took him to her apartment… where they got it on before she took him back home to school later in the day. Forget playing hooky. This was an example of playing tonsil hockey – and then some! An investigation got underway in April after Marked Tree High School officials learned that a worried parent had threatened to “do bodily harm to one of their teachers.” The parent had accused Goline of having sex with numerous students. As officials attempted to piece together what happened and who could be to blame, Goline entered the principal’s office around this time and broke down in tears. That sort of served as a giveaway. According to Fox News, “Goline was booked into the Craighead County Detention Center Wednesday afternoon on a $5,000 bond, and was waiting for an Oct. 31 court appearance” but was released later in the day. If convicted, she could face 10 to 40 years, or life, in prison. And she’s also married. View Slideshow: 30 Teachers 2 Hot 4 Students
Milwaukee Elementary School Teacher Arrested For Sex Assault Of 11-Year-Old Another day, another pedo teacher who can’t keep her hands off of a child’s penis. 24-year-old Katherine Gonzalez was placed in stainless steel bracelets and charged with first degree sexual assault of a child under the age of 13 according to DailyMail . Katherine is an elementary school teacher at Atlas Preparatory Academy and was caught sending Snapchats to an 11-year-old boy in addition to exchanging gropes in her car and at her home. The two touched each other’s ‘private parts through their clothing,’ prosecutors said. The teacher allegedly told the student not to tell anyone about their relationship because she could lose her job and go to jail. Gonzalez told authorities that the victim is ‘chronically depressed’ and admitted to saying things to make the 11-year-old boy happy. Happy?! She could have made him “happy” with a new pair of Jordans. He would have been happy as hell! What he DIDN’T need was a dry hand job from his lonely and demented teacher. SMFH. Image via Google Images/Milwaukee Police
Ukrainian Teacher Arrested For Selling A Teen Student To Organ Harvesters A Ukrainian school teacher named Galina Kovalenko is being charged with attempting to sell one of her teenage female students for $10,000. A BBC report states that Kovalenko had been monitored by authorities for fourth months because they believed she was up to some shady shenanigans. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov blew the whistle on Kovalenko, he says that she planned on selling the young girl to a buyer who planned on harvesting her organs for big profits. Mr Avakov said “Galina [Kovalenko] worked for nearly a year on her ‘business plan’ for selling the 13-year-old girl”, whom she had singled out as vulnerable. “They got this seller ‘red-handed’ – when she took the girl out of the boarding school, brought her to the buyers and received money,” Mr Avakov said. It’s said that Kovalenko chose the victim based on the fact that she was a vulnerable orphan who likely wouldn’t have anyone looking for her if she went missing. Sick stuff. Kovalenko is facing 12 years in prison, but she deserves much, much more. Image via Arsen Avakov
Olivia Culpo is pretty low level, but she banged a few famous people to establish her own “relevance”…you’ve probably never heard of her, but she was some Pageant girl a few years ago and who got all LA by banging a Jonas brother….getting her a following that allowed her to build her personal brand…. A strategy that included being a NUDE MODEL FOR A MAGAZINE , trying to get more and more high profile – because that’s how it is done these days…and no one wants to be basic…even if all their tactis are basic… She’s in a bathing suit, that you can makeout the definition of her pussy lips, it’s a bit of an outty and we like pussy lips, even the outty kind…so I have no choice but to post this, even though I prefer ignoring these kinds of people navigating the high society scene of LA…the modern version of what we can assume Kris Jenner did…it’s just fucking lame…but my creepy pervert can’t ignore…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Olivia Culpo’s See Through Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .