Tag Archives: richard-spencer

Cardi B Claps Back At Hater Who Says She’s A Disgrace To All Black Women

Cardi B Fires Back At Fan Who Calls Her A Disgrace Cardi B has become the breakout star of ‘Love & Hip Hop NYC’ but many people have accused the reality star of being a negative stereotype of Black women. Cardi recently had to shut down a hater for calling her “EBT version of Judas” via Baller Alert : Check out the clap back convo below: Well damn… Hi haters! IG

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Cardi B Claps Back At Hater Who Says She’s A Disgrace To All Black Women

The Term “Alt-Right” Normalizes Racist Hate Groups So Stop Saying It!

Alt-Right Just Means Racist Neo-Nazi Hate Groups Why the hell are people trying to normalize white supremacy and hatred? The LA Times recently checked their usage of the term “alt-right” after readers blasted the paper for trying to endear white nationalists to the masses. The Sunday piece on “alt-right” leader Richard Spencer and his National Policy Institute was such is an incredible misstep for your paper. For one, there’s the photo you used to accompany the piece online and on social media — are you sure this isn’t about HBO’s “Entourage” or Esquire magazine’s hottest bartender of 2016? The normalization of Spencer is not OK. Another reader called out the paper for ‘whitewashing’ racism … I am very concerned about the use of the term “alt-right.” This term was coined to make racism and white supremacy palatable to the American public. The continued use of it whitewashes the hate and bigotry and is a slap in the face to all minorities and citizens. I ask you to refrain from using “alt-right” and to illuminate this movement for what it really is: racism. The media has been caught romanticizing racism in the hopes of getting clicks while appeasing Trump fans in the process. What do you think of the term ‘alt-right’ and how it’s been used after the election cycle? Sound off in the comment section below. Twitter

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The Term “Alt-Right” Normalizes Racist Hate Groups So Stop Saying It!

People Ain’t Isht: Shady Ukrainian Teacher Popped For Selling 13-Year-Old Girl For $10,000

Ukrainian Teacher Arrested For Selling A Teen Student To Organ Harvesters A Ukrainian school teacher named Galina Kovalenko is being charged with attempting to sell one of her teenage female students for $10,000. A BBC report states that Kovalenko had been monitored by authorities for fourth months because they believed she was up to some shady shenanigans. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov blew the whistle on Kovalenko, he says that she planned on selling the young girl to a buyer who planned on harvesting her organs for big profits. Mr Avakov said “Galina [Kovalenko] worked for nearly a year on her ‘business plan’ for selling the 13-year-old girl”, whom she had singled out as vulnerable. “They got this seller ‘red-handed’ – when she took the girl out of the boarding school, brought her to the buyers and received money,” Mr Avakov said. It’s said that Kovalenko chose the victim based on the fact that she was a vulnerable orphan who likely wouldn’t have anyone looking for her if she went missing. Sick stuff. Kovalenko is facing 12 years in prison, but she deserves much, much more. Image via Arsen Avakov

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People Ain’t Isht: Shady Ukrainian Teacher Popped For Selling 13-Year-Old Girl For $10,000

Bolitics: See Roland Martin Take Richard “All Hail Trump” Spencer To History Class [Video]

Roland Martin invited Richard Spencer on his show to debate his sentiments on white nationalism and white supremacy. Little did Richard know, Roland’s history and knowledge of the subject is far more informed than his hateful and ill-informed ideology. Turn the page for the full TVOne interview.

Bolitics: See Roland Martin Take Richard “All Hail Trump” Spencer To History Class [Video]

The League Season 6 Episode 9 Recap: Taco Standard Time

On The League Season 6 Episode 9, Andre didn’t see eye to eye with his cat (seriously) while other key developments played out among this group of FX friends. Watch The League Season 6 Episode 9 Online If you watch The League online , you know that in recent weeks, Andre rescued the cat, which has led to some funny and bizarre moments for him and the crew. Mostly him. But also us. Meanwhile, Kevin balled with his priest, entering a zone only an FX show would go to, but in such fashion that you could only laugh as you half cringed. Meanwhile, Corbin Bernsen arrived on the scene Jenny’s dad and took the guys camping. How did The League Season 6 Episode 9 play off of those antics? You’ll have to watch above, but they all tried to help Lane make it through a tough time in his life, one he didn’t see coming and didn’t know just how to handle. What are friends for? Exactly. This sort of support. Follow the link above to watch “Taco Standard Time” play out for yourself and wish you were friends with these lunatics now.

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The League Season 6 Episode 9 Recap: Taco Standard Time

American Horror Story Season 4 Episode 4 Recap: Killing for the Coterie

Happy early Halloween, everyone! FX celebrated this holiday by wrapping up the Edward Mordrake storyline on American Horror Story Season 4 Episode 4 . Did this resurrected soul take anyone with him to the “coterie of companions?” Watch American Horror Story Season 4 Episode 4 Online One by one, Mordrake visited the freaks. He asked for their sob stories in order to determine their fate. Elsa, of course, initially believed him to to be Svengali that Esmeralda forecasted wouldd return her to prominence. When it finally dawned on her that he was actually the infamous bogeyman, she argued that “I’m not one of them”… even as Mordrake’s minions yanked off her fake legs. We learned that Elsa was sadistic dominatrix in Germany in 1932. After filming a snuff movie for her some of her clients, she was drugged and had her legs cut off. With a chainsaw. Mordrake was about to take Elsa after hearing this tale, but then he heard music… Jimmy and Esmeralda, meanwhile, were biking back to camp when they witnessed Twist tackling Bonnie after she tried to escape again. They followed him back to the Bus from Hell, but ended up being captured by Dandy. But Jimmy awoke, saw Dandy trying to saw the (phony) psychic in half (while playing the circus music Mordrake heard) and saved Esmeralda. He yelled at her (and Bonnie, Corey and Mike) to run. Twisty was about to stab Jimmy when Edward appeared, forcing him to take off his mask and tell his tragic tale. Turns out, Twisty was driven away by freaks in a different carnival who accused him of molestation. He came back to Jupiter and attempted to make a life at turning junk into toys. But he failed and at one point tried to kill himself via a rifle in the mouth. However, he couldn’t even do that properly! Twisty told Edward that he took the children to save them from their “mean” freaks and parents. His intentions were noble. “You have caused the demon to weep,” said Mordrake, who then stabbed him and added him to the collection of souls. But when Dandy came back to the bus and saw Twisty’s corpse, he put on the dead clown’s mask. GULP. Jimmy told everyone at camp about Twisty’s death and Edward claiming his victim. A mob of regular people then arrived and Mike’s dad shook Jimmy’s hand and a potluck actually broke out, which made Elsa very happy: now she could sell out that night’s show! At the show, Elsa banished the Tattlers from performing and Elsa made an exception for Stanley to attend he introduced himself as Richard Spencer from Hollywood. Finally, in a frightening event you can relive when you watch American Horror Story online , Dandy returned him and was once again mocked by Dora. But, inspired by the new mask, he finally made good on last week’s promise: he slit her throat and laughed.

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American Horror Story Season 4 Episode 4 Recap: Killing for the Coterie