Tag Archives: kovalenko

People Ain’t Isht: Shady Ukrainian Teacher Popped For Selling 13-Year-Old Girl For $10,000

Ukrainian Teacher Arrested For Selling A Teen Student To Organ Harvesters A Ukrainian school teacher named Galina Kovalenko is being charged with attempting to sell one of her teenage female students for $10,000. A BBC report states that Kovalenko had been monitored by authorities for fourth months because they believed she was up to some shady shenanigans. Interior Minister Arsen Avakov blew the whistle on Kovalenko, he says that she planned on selling the young girl to a buyer who planned on harvesting her organs for big profits. Mr Avakov said “Galina [Kovalenko] worked for nearly a year on her ‘business plan’ for selling the 13-year-old girl”, whom she had singled out as vulnerable. “They got this seller ‘red-handed’ – when she took the girl out of the boarding school, brought her to the buyers and received money,” Mr Avakov said. It’s said that Kovalenko chose the victim based on the fact that she was a vulnerable orphan who likely wouldn’t have anyone looking for her if she went missing. Sick stuff. Kovalenko is facing 12 years in prison, but she deserves much, much more. Image via Arsen Avakov

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People Ain’t Isht: Shady Ukrainian Teacher Popped For Selling 13-Year-Old Girl For $10,000