Tag Archives: reveals-mother

NFL Heiress Goes on Drunken, Anti-Semitic Rampage

The very rich, seemingly very spoiled and apparently very racist daughter of ex-Washington Redskins owner Jack Kent Cooke was arrested yesterday following an altercation on New Year’s Eve. And we’re talking about one doozy of an altercation. According to TMZ, People Magazine and other outlets, the ugly incident took place at Caravaggio, a restaurant on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It also took place on New Year’s Eve. Cooke was allegedly waiting in line to get her coat when she grew irritating, yelling at a 77-year old in front of her: “Hurry up, Jew. I got places to be.” In response, the woman’s son, Matthew Haberkorn, followed the 29-year old Cooke outside and confronted her about this inappropriate comment. And Cooke stood quietly, listened to the man and apologized. Just kidding! She reportedly attacked Haberkorn with her glass purse, opening up two huge wounds on his face. There’s actually video of the beating, in which you can hear Matthew say “She just f*cking hit me!” Cooke fires back: “You called me a f-cking bitch. You called me a cunt.” And then Matthew again: “You called me a f-cking Jew.” Haberkorn also shared two photos of his lacerations on social media shortly after everything went down. Cooke and her boyfriend eventually left the scene, but authorities later arrested her for felony assault. In addition to the physical harm caused to Haberkorn’s head, his attorney says the normally “mellow Californian” is “very distressed.” Translation: he will be filing a major lawsuit against the heiress. “The damage was what you saw in the photo, but it goes beyond that,” Andrew T. Miltenberg tells People Magazine. The lawyer adds that Haberkorn intends to press charges and sue Cooke civilly for what they allege was a hate crime and civil rights violation. Jack Kent Cooke passed away in April of 1997 after having owned the Redskins and, at other times, the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Kings. He left behind about $1 billion in assets, according to the Washington Post. However, he only provided his daughter with a $50,000 annual stipend, prompting her to file a lawsuit against her father’s estate in 2007 because she wanted more money each year. She sounds like a real peach. 

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NFL Heiress Goes on Drunken, Anti-Semitic Rampage

Mackenzie McKee Reveals Mother’s Heartbreaking Brain Cancer Diagnosis

You probably know Mackenzie McKee best for her time on Teen Mom 3, and for her subsequent wild and crazy antics . But today, Mackenzie is in the news for a different, much more upsetting reason … It’s because she just revealed that her mother, Angie Douthit, has been diagnosed with brain cancer. It sounds like the family just got the news on Tuesday — that night, Mackenzie tweeted “Haven’t cried this hard in over ten years. By far the worst night of my life.” A few hours later, she asked “all prayer warriors” to “please pray for my mom.” “What we thought was bronchitis turned out to be 3 masses on her brain, 1 large imone in her lungs and multiple blood clots,” she explained. “We are in shock and devastated. She has brain surgery tomorrow. I’m sick. I’m so sick and want to wake up from this nightmare.” Yesterday, Angie did have the brain surgery, but TMZ reports that things are even worse than they previously thought. Doctors found two more lesions in her brain, as well as multiple masses in her lungs. She’s been diagnosed with stage four brain cancer. The family has made a GoFundMe account to help with the costs of treatment — remember, although Mackenzie was a Teen Mom, the girls from Teen Mom 3 only filmed for one season, and they never made the money the other moms did. In the information for the fundraiser, Angie’s family explains that her tumors “cover almost the entire brain,” and the cancer “started in her lungs with several masses and spread to her brain.” “Angie has always been the healthiest person,” she “doesn’t smoke and never did,” and she also abstains from alcohol, eats organic, and runs marathons, “so this has come as a complete shock to the family.” In an update, it was revealed that Angie will get an MRI and a bone scan today, along with a few other tests, to determine the course of treatments. In another heartbreaking update, Angie herself wrote that her family had given her running gear for Christmas, and “Since I can’t run right now, I challenge all of u to run for me tomorrow believing that I will soon get to run and wear my new things.” Yesterday, Mackenzie shared a collage of photos of her mother on Instagram, calling her “the most amazing woman I know.” “She taught me everything I know. She is the only reason I am the woman I am today. I love you Mom. I’m devastated, I’m angry, I’m shook, I can’t breathe.” “You are everything,” she finished. “Please pray.” In a statement she gave to Us Weekly, Mackenzie echoed the information on Angie’s GoFundMe page, saying “She is the healthiest person I know. Eats healthier than me. Always organic.” “Doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, she is a school teacher so she has no money. She runs marathons and works out two to three times a day. This does not run in our family.” “I am so sad,” she continued. “I can barely breathe. I can not lose her.” “She did ask that I blog her whole journey and make a documentary in case something does happen we will always have that. I know God will use her to speak to others.” View Slideshow: Mackenzie & Josh McKee: Teen Mom 3

See the original post here:
Mackenzie McKee Reveals Mother’s Heartbreaking Brain Cancer Diagnosis

Jenelle Evans Reveals Mother’s Day Nightmare: My Mom Won’t Let Me See Jace!

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online , then you’re probably aware of the ongoing feud between Jenelle Evans and her mother, Barbara Evans. Barbara has custody of Jenelle’s eldest son, Jace, and like pretty much everything else in her life, Jenelle is very pissed off about it. For weeks now, Jenelle has been claiming that Barbara has been keeping Jace from her by canceling scheduled visits and denying her permission to take him on family outings. Earlier this week, she revealed that she was devastated to learn that she wouldn’t be allowed to  “On Mother’s Day I won’t have him,” she tweeted. “I’m torn. Was mad for too long then turned into tears the rest of my night.” “She ignores my calls and texts and took Jace and hid from me all day in her house locked up. No lie.” Yesterday, Jenelle updated fans via Instagram, and it seems Barbara made good on her threat to prevent Jenelle from seeing her son on Mother’s Day. In fairness, Barbara doesn’t do social media, so we haven’t heard her side of the story. But for once, fans are overwhelmingly siding with Jenelle. It’s possible that Barbara had a perfectly good reason for her actions, but it’ll be tough to explain her way out of this one. After all, it doesn’t get much lower than keeping a mom from one of her kids on Mother’s Day. Fortunately, the day wasn’t totally devoid of pleasant surprises: “The kids and David made me this homemade chalk board for our house and even drew one awesome picture on it,” Jenelle captioned the above photo of he favorite gift. “I’m in love!” She added: “This day didn’t go the way I imagined but there will be many more to come in the future. #Hopeful.” Jenelle seems encouraged by the fact that, for better or worse, the Jace issue will be decided in the very near future. View Slideshow: 13 Shocking Jenelle Evans Facts Even We Didn’t Know! Jenelle recently told Radar Online that she and Barbara are set to face off in court on May 25 to decide who will have primary physical custody of Jace. Here’s hoping that for the boy’s sake, they’ll accept the outcome whatever it may be.

See the original post:
Jenelle Evans Reveals Mother’s Day Nightmare: My Mom Won’t Let Me See Jace!