Tag Archives: oil-sands

Waxman Tells Obama To Just Say No To Tar Sands Pipeline

photo via flickr House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman penned the first climate change bill ever to pass the House. Now, with those credentials to support him, Waxman is asking President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton to say no to a proposed $7 billion pipeline that would bring Canadian oil sands all the way down to the Gulf Coast. Oil from tar sands is extremely carbon intensive, with some estimates finding that tar sands oil has 37 percent more greenhouse gases than so called conventional fossil fuels. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

Waxman Tells Obama To Just Say No To Tar Sands Pipeline

Alberta Tar Sands Oil Flows South As Keystone Pipeline Opened

Wood River Refinery, now connected directly to Alberta Yesterday the valve was turned, opening the Keystone Pipeline. The converted natural gas pipeline ships 435,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands crude each day to Conoco-Phillips’ refinery in Wood River, Illinois. Some have called it an “environmental Armageddon”; TransCanada Pipelines disagrees, saying in the Globe and Mail: … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Alberta Tar Sands Oil Flows South As Keystone Pipeline Opened

What Goes Into (And Comes Out of) A Barrel Of Tar Sands Oil

Image: Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy As the Gulf disaster continues to unfold, people are looking at alternatives. Canada’s Minister of the environment has been pitching the Alberta oil sands as a greener, safer alternative, but as Jeff Rubin said , “You know you are at the bottom of the ninth when you are … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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What Goes Into (And Comes Out of) A Barrel Of Tar Sands Oil