Eniko Mihalik is my kind of Hungarian model…cuz she’s busty in her rockin’ Cold War, Iron Curtain, Built on Communist Values and hard work, Down with the USSR, first in space travel, Rationed Bread line limited food, good genes cuz the weak died off before the Fall of Communism allowing her to avoid the mafia run Sex Trade body….. A body she’s not scared to show off naked in fashion shoots…cuz it is sure fucking better than making Borscht in the back of some sex club when not washing old communist party leader semen out of her vagina now that she’s too old to be properly utilized in the human sex trade…..you know a den mother at 25….but instead she whores herself out in a more glamorous, socially accepted way….Gettin Paid…
The rest is here:
Eniko Mihalik Nice Titties for HUGE of the Day