Tag Archives: older-pictures

Miley Cyrus Tongues Her Sister

I know that the title to this post is way more exciting than the actual post, but I needed something to get some asses in the seats so to speak. Here’s Miley Cyrus hamming it up for the camera with her sister who’s name I don’t know or need to know. These may be older pictures, I don’t really know, but the incestuous sexual undertones are enough to get my pervert fantasy machine working so who cares.

Sofia Vergara’s Awesome MILF Cleavage

I think these are some older pictures of Sofia Vergara , from maybe a few weeks ago, but I don’t think anybody really gives a damn because of all that good old fashioned latina cleavage spilling out of her dress. I know I’m not bothered by it in the least, I love this curvy, incomprehensible beauty and her big old boobs so I’m all for it. I wonder if she jumped up and down all excited after she won her award… I’m really sad I missed that.

Miley Cyrus Is Now A Woman

I just thought I would let everyone know that today is Miley Cyrus’ birthday and she is officially eighteen years old. I know some of you perverts out there are probably disappointed about that, get some counseling, but I for one am glad that I don’t have to tip toe around the touchy subject anymore with my comments when she insists on wearing inappropriately slutty clothing. These are some older pictures from when she was still young so I’ll leave them alone, but from now on she’s fair game. Enjoy. more pictures of Miley Cyrus here