Tag Archives: olenna-tyrell

13 Hottest Women on Game of Thrones: Where Does the Khaleesi Rank?!

It’s not hard to see how Game of Thrones became the most-watched show in HBO’s history . The series really has something for everyone: love stories for women (if you can ignore the incest part), uber-gory battles for men (sadistic dudes, in particular)…heck, it even has dragons for young children! (We kid!) But for all the praise heaped upon author George RR Martin and showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, the show’s casting department has gone woefully unnoticed. After all, these are the folks who have not only presented us with the one part of the show you can enjoy on pause, they’re also responsible for what might be the most intensely debated issue amongst fans: who’s the hottest woman in Westeros?! 13 Hottest Women on Game of Thrones 13. Shae It’s not hard to see what Tyrion sees in Shae. She’s a lover in a world full of fighters…and she’s got at what she does. Check out our rankings above and tell us how wrong we are in the comments. Are you a traditionalist who thinks the Mother of Dragons is the hottest thing going? (Pun intended.) Or are you more into the badass chicks like Osha, Ygritte…or even Brienne? (In order to fully appreciate the Maid of Tarth you’ve gotta check out our list of Game of Thrones characters who look completely different in real life ). Hey, maybe the grandmotherly Olenna Tyrell floats your boat! We’re not here to judge! Whatever your pleasure, like the show itself, the women of Game of Thrones offer something for every taste. Just watch out for those Wildling gals. They’ll give you the Unsullied treatment in your sleep, if ya know what we mean. Game of Thrones Characters In Real Life 1. Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen Clarke plays Daenerys Targaryen on the hit series Game of Thrones. The show’s fourth season debuts April sixth.

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13 Hottest Women on Game of Thrones: Where Does the Khaleesi Rank?!