Tag Archives: once-the-new

Scarlett Johansson Got Them Titties On of the Day

I find Scarlett Johansson so ugly…even with her tits out…in whatever this is. She is old now….and I understand that in 2004 when she was first starting out, being the chubby girl with chubby tits in movies like Ghost World, she was exciting to the perverts…but the fact that people still think she’s hot, 14 years later is crazy. It’s like you people need to find new pussy to obsess over, you know like Scarlett Johansson was once the new pussy people obsessed over, instead of focusing on the old shit….that is old shit… So anyone still excited by her, and they are out there, I heard someone at a strip club the other day say “she’s as hot as Scarlett Johansson”…which to me translates to “I am influenced by Hollywood marketing and the media as a whole and I am so out of touch my hot references are in their 40s now”… But she still got tit. FOR MORE PHOTOS FROM THE PEOPLES CHOICE AWARDS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Scarlett Johansson Got Them Titties On of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Scarlett Johansson Got Them Titties On of the Day

Chloe Grace Moretz in a Leather Skirt and Heels of the Day

Chloe Grace Moretz is either on set, or in public, I figure it doesn’t make a fucking difference in what she’s doing, because all her fans care about is the fact that the 18 year old is in a pair of slutty heels like she’s a grown up, because legally she is a grown up, despite her underdeveloped breasts that could be fixed by her plastic surgeon father looking like they are still 10 years old…breasts you can’t see in these pictures because she’s in her leather dominatrix outfit all the young girls are into thanks to growing up on hardcore porn, but you can see her short stubby legs and that must be exciting….to at least one autistic gamer nerd… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Chloe Grace Moretz in a Leather Skirt and Heels of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Chloe Grace Moretz in a Leather Skirt and Heels of the Day

Shailene Woodley Braless of the Day

If Shailene Woodley, who was once the new Mary Jane…because Kirsten Dunst is better suited to play a drunk 40 year old meth addict…because she is a drunk 40 year old meth addict…..but got fired from that gig….excites you….because anyone associated with virgin loser movies, comic book movies, the only movies Hollywood likes making…excites you… Then you’ll be happy to see her tits all natural and saggy cuz they are natural in a sweater… If Shailene Woodley, the Golden Globe nominated actress, who is more than just a typical fame whoring actress according to the industry excites you… Then you’ll be happy to see her tits all natural and saggy cuz they are natural in a sweater… If you’re just a pervert and couldn’t give a fuck about Shailene Woodley,…or know who she is, what she does, or who she fucks…. Then you’ll be happy to see her tits all natural and saggy cuz they are natural in a sweater…because braless girls is the trend and as men, we are forced to like it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Shailene Woodley Braless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Shailene Woodley Braless of the Day