On many ballots some candidates are NOT listed for one reason or another. Find out what candidates are running, and some general information on their beliefs and platform by doing a couple minutes of research. Trust us, it’s WORTH IT! See a sample ballot for your area by clicking ay of the links below: Click […]
If you’ve been the movies at any point this summer you might have had a similar feeling to what I felt, it doesn’t seem like there are that many good movies on their way to theaters. But, I am still holding out hope for one particular movie, Passengers. Besides liking both of the stars, Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence, and the interesting plot, there is one reason that makes me excited most of all; Passengers has Jennifer Lawrence’s first sex scene. … read more
Other than Sallie Mae, sidepieces are the number one reason caller ID was invented. Many a lady has fallen victim to a man with a wandering eye. Continue
As much as I love going to film festivals, there’s one reason I sometimes feel out of place: Whenever I find myself in a circle of colleagues waxing euphoric about, say, an exquisite Russian or Eastern European movie they’ve just seen that deals very poetically with the idea of mourning the lost customs of the old country, I always want to pipe up, “Yes, but didn’t it remind you just a bit of the Schmenges?”
And the number one reason to book a plane ticket to New Zealand is 24-year-old Lexxie Robinson! I don’t know very much about New Zealand travel but if the smokeshows from teh “Kiwi” state look anything like her I will consider taking my next vacation there. Continue reading →
January is a typical wasteland of DVD/Blu-Ray releases as most studios blow their wad in December, leaving mostly category re-issues this week li… Continue reading →