Source: Matt Cardy / Stringer / Getty First, we had #BBQBecky and now we have #PermitPatty, the latest white woman to not mind her business in California. When an 8-year-old girl was selling water bottles outside of her mother’s home in San Francisco, this strange woman decided to call the cops. Why? Because the little girl didn’t have a permit. Even worse, when she realized she could become the next Twitter meme, she attempts to hide from the cameras. So my little cousin was selling water and didn't have a permit so this lady decided to call the cops on an 8 year old. #PermitPatty — Raj (@_ethiopiangold) June 23, 2018 So of course, Twitter is having a field day with her anyway. She’s been given the nickname #PermitPatty and the online roasts have been hilarious. Hit the flip for more.
Excerpt from:
The Internet Is On #PermitPatty’s Neck After She Calls The Cop On Black Child For Selling Water