Isht just keeps getting fishier and fishier. Brittany Murphy’s Mother Speaks On Poisioning Rumors Let poor Brittany rest in peace. According to People: Brittany Murphy’s mother Sharon has come forward to dispute claims by Brittany’s father that her daughter may have been intentionally poisoned before her death in 2009. “I have chosen to stay out of the limelight since the tragic and sudden death of my wonderful, talented, loving daughter four years ago this Dec. 20,” Sharon Murphy writes for The Hollywood Reporter in response to an assertion by Brittany’s estranged father, Angelo Bertolotti, that a new lab test reveals the possibility of foul play. “I have no choice now but to come forward in the face of inexcusable efforts to smear my daughter’s memory by a man who may be her biological father, but was never a real father to her in her lifetime,” Sharon writes. “He has made outrageous statements over the past few years, culminating in this latest madness: that my darling daughter was murdered.” Sharon says that Bertolotti did not parent Brittany as she was growing up, only to resurface when Brittany’s acting career started going well. “Angelo did come out of the woodwork when Brittany was a teenager and found success in a number of TV shows just before she was in Clueless, she says. “But she quickly saw him for who he is – and didn’t want anything to do with him.” Bertolotti alleges the Los Angeles County Coroner should have investigated further and done more testing before determining that both his daughter and his son-in-law, Simon Monjack, died young and only five months apart from natural causes. He sued the coroner last year, and recently held up a lab report, based on Brittany’s hair samples, as proof of possible poisoning. Sharon argues that Bertolotti’s lab is merely an “Internet site” that created a false report, and although she initially disputed the possibility of toxic mold as a cause in her daughter and Simon Monjack’s deaths, she now concedes that it may have been a factor. “We will never know for sure,” Sharon says. “However, we do know the Los Angeles County Coroner did extensive tests and found that she died of natural causes. And now she is a real living angel in heaven.” These two should stop fighting and honor their daughter’s memory.
R.I.P. Brittany Murphy’s Mother Responds To Rumors She Was Poisoned