There comes a time in every hooker’s life where the sperm sticks to the uterus and the option of abortion is thrown out the window either for medical reasons or gold digging reasons…and I guess that time has come for UK Glamour Model Imogen Thomas….and I guess if you’re into half naked pregger slags….you’ll probably come too….while I prefer my pregnant girls early in their pregnancy…in a place where I can’t notice but more importantly can’t knock them up. No Condoms Allowed! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
Miranda Kerr is the few people I put up pictures of who I only really started noticing after Orlando Bloom had violated her vagina and got her knocked up. For some reason I can’t explain, I still find her sexy as fuck….when normally the whole being contaminated thing makes a girl invisible to me. Maybe she did it at the right age, maybe she got a C-Section, maybe I need to stop justifying it and just go with it, cuz really, it’s pictures of someone I don’t know, and reading into this when I got real life shit going on that’s far more important, but really not all that important, but more important than debating with myself about Miranda Kerr’s sex appeal, when I don’t know her, and her job is getting half naked for money….meaning my opinion doesn’t matter…and either does yours…you fucking loser.
Lana Del Rey may be one of the bigger jokes in the music scene, as far as I am concerned, which pretty much means nothing, cuz my opinion doesn’t matter, especially when it comes to analyzing the music industry, because I am neither an authority on the shit…or an authority on anything… I will say I’ve seen her live performances back when she was making tons of noise with her YOUTUBE viral video success and I am pretty sure she fucking sucked….not to mention she has little sex appeal….just an average rich chick with plastic surgery who made thanks to daddy’s money, and that’s not even what offended me, cuz if I had a rich dad, I’d milk it too, that’s just competitive fucking advantage, but it was just some candy coated garbage that the public ate up…and now she’s seen as some icon…when I think she was better being a tormented rich kid, on drugs, with no commercial success….it’s better for low self esteem to feel worthless….at least when it comes to having sex with them….. Either way, here she is in Vogue Italia…boring…