This NOT just in: David Eason hates gay people. The husband of Jenelle Evans was fired by MTV several months ago for so often sharing this viewpoint, not that his dismissal caused Eason to reconsider his opinion or keep his social media mouth shut or anything of that nature. Quite the opposite, in fact. The polarizing personality has said recently that he's proud to be a straight white redneck and that, of course, gay people suck . What about transgender individuals? Eason expresses his close-minded and very ignorant take on them below… 1. Eason Has Been Ranting About Gay People for Awhile Dude is obsessed with the topic, bringing it up out of nowhere at times. Back in February, in response to a discussion online about parenting methods, he said to an Internet user: “Why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals? Oh I forgot that’s supposed to be normal.” 2. You’re Fired! This was merely the latest example of Eason being a horrible bigot, which led to MTV firing him a few days later and releasing this statement: “David Eason’s personal comments do not reflect the views of MTV. With six weeks left of production on Teen Mom 2, effective immediately, we are ending our relationship with him.” 3. So… Why are We Still Talking About Him? Because he’s still married to Jenelle and because he keeps saying such terrible stuff. Just consider his latest ranting, raving and insulting on Facebook… 4. It Started with This Meme We assume the first photo here, as shared by Eason, is a reference to the ongoing controversy over whether or not Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted women back in the early 1980s… while the second is a reference to many people out there being in favor of transgender individuals using whichever restroom with which they identify. 5. … And He’s Off As you might expect, this meme generated many comments from users and many, many ridiculous comments from Eason. 6. Being Transgender is Not Okay, Eason Has Always Argued View Slideshow
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David Eason Says "All Trans are Perverts" in This Bigoted Rant