Like Rhaegal after an intense battle with White Walkers, Game of Thrones is sort of limping to the finish line. Opinion was mixed on Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 , as fans seemed split on how the series brought the story of the Night King to a conclusion. But the takes are far less divided when it comes to Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 4 … for a whole host of reasons, starting with how the show has apparently devolved in a romantic comedy minus the comedy. And ending with what many believe to be straight-up racism. We've documented many of these complaints below, while also filing some of our very own. Scroll down and see if you agree. 1. Let’s Start with Brienne Get a few drinks (and something else) inside of Brienne and she apparently crumbles from a mighty knight to a scorned high school girlfriend. 2. Did They Have to Screw? The Jaime and Brienne dynamic had been one of our favorites on the show. Just a showing of mutual respect between unlikely allies and top-notch swordsmen. Why did the writers feel a need to throw them into bed? And to then have Jaime suddenly decide to go save Cersei? And then to reduce Brienne of Tarth into a blubbering mess after she got her heart broken? All in the course of like 10 minutes of screen time. Just… WHY??? 3. Can Jon Go Back to Knowing Nothing? Remember how Ned Stark held the secret of Jon’s lineage for like 20 years and then took it to his grave? And then Jon felt a need to spill it immediately to his siblings out of some weird sense of obligation? Yes, this happened. 4. And Then Sansa Kept the Secret for Approximately 27 Seconds We don’t blame her, really. We blame Jon for not listening to Dany. It would be one thing if Jon felt a moral need to tell the world and, essentially, let the voters decide. But he was totally fine lying about his heritage to everyone and taking part in a massive cover-up… as long as he could tell two people. 5. Now We Need to Talk About Missandei RIP and everything. But we have a few questions… 6. How Would the Golden Army Even Know Who She Is? That’s it. That’s the first question. How would they even know Dany had some right-hand woman? View Slideshow
See the original post here:
Game of Thrones: All the Reasons That Episode Sucked