Tag Archives: organic-garden

Elisha Cuthbert Not Dead of the Day

Woah…Elsha Cuthbert pics are making the internet rounds…and I forgot this bitch exists…mainly cuz I don’t watch TV…or keep track of cunts like Elisha Cuthbet…I mean I’ve only done a handful of posts on her 3 years ago….cuz she was in a bikini with hard nipples and a bikini showing some ass back in 2008….and hiding behind a camera in a bikini with sheer pants on back in 2007….. I know people who know Elisha Cuthbert because she is from Montreal…which happens to be where I live and there are only a dozen english people so everyone knows everyone….Apparently, she always had an ego, always thought she was important, because at a young age she was cast on some shitty TV show and the second you put a bitch on TV it’s all fucking over, their egos inflate, they move to LA and get cast in movies…only to come back with their hockey boyfriends and happen to be in the same bar as me one night…unwilling to respond to my requests to grab her breast….That’s why I tried to organize a candle light vigil for her career at her parent’s house, cuz her sister was living here, but no one was into my genius concept…instead they all wanted to jerk off to her cuz she was on 24 or Girl Next Door or some shit…. Either way, I hear she’s back on TV, and here are her tits in some photoshopped photoshoot that erased all her hard living and the fact that she’s pretty much 30 and boring….but she’s got tits…and I guess that counts for something…and that something doesn’t matter…this bitch needs to get substantially more naked, more scandalous, cuz that’s what I think her career and your masturbation habits really need…not that I like giving you my advice on your masturbation…it’s kinda gay…but I do prefer when the pics I post aren’t this well dressed and put together and more raw and gaping…Goodtimes…

See original here:
Elisha Cuthbert Not Dead of the Day

Ellen Page Shitty Lesbian Kiss of the Day

Someone sent me this picture that is supposed to be of Ellen Page kissing one of her friends…and I have no idea how dude could decipher than this was the lesbian who played Juno or why he really cared, because when I watched the movie, I knew she wasn’t actually knocked up by Michael Cera, that’s dudes a fucking virgin, and even as a celebrity with all his fame for being the awkward dude, is still a virgin, I’m convinced….you know making me think she went to the sperm donor clinic, or bought some bootleg sperm off the internet to syringe her fucking self….like lesbians do…so seeing her kissing a friend in what could be a cry for attention, hasn’t got shit on the lesbian asshole licking and strap on sex she has with other bitches she meets at her knitting /organic garden club….which reminds me….that all lesbians hate me.

See the original post:
Ellen Page Shitty Lesbian Kiss of the Day