Tag Archives: osbourne-film

Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne Film Super Bowl Ad – PopEater

Oneindia Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne Film Super Bowl Ad PopEater Justin Bieber can check another icon off his list after working with Black Sabbath singer and music legend Ozzy Osbourne for a Super Bowl commercial. The Best Buy ad will feature Ozzy and Biebs wearing … Justin Bieber & Ozzy Osbourne Team Up for Super Bowl Ad People Magazine Super Bowl 2011: Justin Bieber, Glee, Troy Aikman Robot Celeb Bieber, Ozzy Osbourne team up for Super Bowl ad Reuters Examiner.com

Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne Film Super Bowl Ad

Justin Bieber can check another icon off his list after working with Black Sabbath singer and music legend Ozzy Osbourne for a Super Bowl commercial. The Best Buy ad will feature Ozzy and Biebs wearing ‘Tron’-esque suits. PEOPLE writes that the commercial was filmed Jan. 17. That same day, Bieber posted some cryptic, excited tweets to his 6.9 million followers, throwing down the hashtag #todaywasepic. According to USA Today, the 30-second ad will run in the third quarter of the Super Bowl. “Justin Bieber is the biggest star out there, but that’s not why he’s in the spot,” Best Buy marketing chief Drew Panayiotou told the newspaper. “He symbolically represents something important to the brand message.” Bieber will appear in more Best Buy spots throughout 2011. USA Today contends Bieber is using the spot as “a serious bid to move beyond the world of tween heartbreaker.” ‘Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers’ author Alissa Quart tells the paper Biebs and Oz “are both fish out of water in what we imagine a Super Bowl ad should be: babes and beer.” Ozzy proved he’s in touch with today’s popular performers by commenting on the potential overexposure of Lady Gaga, telling Us Weekly, “I like her, but I’m getting a bit sick of her. When I turn on the TV, I see her wearing another lamp shade or whatever. She needs to take a break, I think, for an hour or so.” ► Read PopEater’s recent interview with Ozzy Osbourne http://xml.channel.aol.com/xmlpublisher/fetch.v2.xml?option=expand_relative_urls&dataUrlNodes=uiConfig,feedConfig,entry&id=775255&pid=775254&uts=1273239596 http://www.popeater.com/mm_track/popeater/music/?s_channel=us.musicpop&s_account=aolpopeater,aolsvc&omni=1&ke=1 http://cdn.channel.aol.com/cs_feed_v1_6/csfeedwrapper.swf Caught in Action: Celebrities Hard at Work Jon Hamm, star of the hit series “Mad Men”, is spotted filming scenes for the upcoming season. Jon was all smiles while filming in a red, vintage Imperial convertible. Pacific Coast News Pacific Coast News

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Justin Bieber and Ozzy Osbourne Film Super Bowl Ad