We know she’s cute and she’s definitely talented, but consider yourselves warned, Internet users: Do not Google Lily Collins. According to a new survey by security company McAfee, the The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones actress is the Most Dangerous celebrity to look for over the Internet, with searches for Collins often leading to viruses, spam and other online attacks. Collins overtakes Emma Watson for the top spot in this poll, as other dangerous celebrities include Avril Lavigne, Sandra Bullocok and Kathy Griffin. As you might expect, searches for these and other stars become especially troublesome when you add words such as “free apps” or “naked” to them, but the results should actually be reassuring to at least one segment of the population: Go right ahead and search for Megan Fox nude pics, people! You could endanger yourself a lot worse.
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Lily Collins Named "Most Dangerous" Online Celebrity