Tag Archives: other-players

Liberty Ross: Spotted! Without a Wedding Ring!

In her latest blog entry, Liberty Ross hinted at a split from husband Rupert Sanders . In her most recent public appearance, meanwhile, the model did a lot more than merely hint: she was spotted without a wedding ring! For the first time since the affair between Sanders and Kristen Sanders became public, Ross showed up at a public event, posing on the red carpet of the Lawless premiere in Los Angeles last night. Take a close look at her left hand, folks. It’s barren of jewelery, isn’t it? As for the other players in this drama: Rupert Sanders remains MIA. Robert Pattinson cracked us up on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday. Kristen Stewart is reportedly nearing a meltdown .

Read more here:
Liberty Ross: Spotted! Without a Wedding Ring!

TMZ’s Wack-O Jack-O-Lantern Contest — WINNER!

Filed under: Photo Galleries The tribe has spoken — and Elizabeth’s tummy pumpkin owned the competition in TMZ’s Wack-O Jack-O-Lantern Contest scoring her the $250 prize and some spooky secrets from TMZ!** This weeks contest is Celebrity Halloween Costumes — So be sure and …

See original here:
TMZ’s Wack-O Jack-O-Lantern Contest — WINNER!

GLAAD to Johnson: ‘There Is No Excuse’

Filed under: Celebrity Justice , Talk Sports GLAAD has responded to Larry Johnson’s apology for hurling a gay slur at reporters yesterday — and they’re hoping the ordeal can be used as an example to other players in the NFL.President of the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Jarrett … Permalink

See the article here:
GLAAD to Johnson: ‘There Is No Excuse’

Caves of the Moon

A deep hole on the moon that could open into a vast underground tunnel has been found for the first time.

Go here to see the original:
Caves of the Moon