When it comes to showing off her cleavage, it’s clear Demi Lovato has no issue. Seriously, no… issue… at… all . But the artist makes it clear in a new Instagram caption that she does sometimes feel self-conscious about a different body part. On Thursday, the 25-year-old singer opened up about the ongoing challenges of recovering from an eating disorder, along with the constant feelings of doubt she often has about her appearance. But which she is trying her hardest to overcome. Along with the following picture, Lovato wrote this caption: “So, I’m insecure about my legs in this picture but I’m posting it because I look so happy and this year I’ve decided I’m letting go of my perfectionism and embracing freedom from self criticism.” Lovato, of course, has long been very candid about her past struggle with a drug addiction and also with anorexia. She’s come a long way. But her battle will never really be over. Continued Lovato in her latest inspiring message: “Learning to love my body the way it is is challenging but life changing. “Giving up my eating disorder has been the most challenging journey of my life but I work every day towards solid recovery even if I mess up sometimes.” In conclusion: “Today I’m feeling strong. You all can do it too. It IS possible. Thank you God for this new chapter in my life. #EDrecovery #happyAF.” We’ve long admired Demi not just for overcoming her own demons, but for speaking out so often about them in an attempt to help others as well. In October, for instance, Lovato shared a couple before-and-after photos that made it apparent just how well she is doing these days. The singer also admits to having bipolar disorder, but she doesn’t want to be defined by it. She said the following three months ago in the documentary Simply Complicated, discussing her eating disorder: “I don’t want to give it the power that it controls my every thought but it’s something that I’m constantly thinking about. “Body image, what I wish I could be eating, what I wish I could be eating next, what I wish I didn’t eat, you know it’s just constant. “I get envious towards people who don’t struggle with an eating disorder because I think my life would be so much easier.” We continue to wish Lovato the best. View Slideshow: Demi Lovato: 19 Candid Confessions from Her Documentary
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Demi Lovato Shares Swimsuit Pic, Addresses Eating Disorder