Tag Archives: outta-pocket

Keep That: Richard Sherman Calls “Bulls#!t” On Kicker’s Wife’s Hollow Apology

“BS” Says Richard Sherman About Kaela Carpenter’s Apology For Racist Tweet Richard Sherman is here for apologies for violent racist threats. Earlier this week we reported that Buffalo Bill’s kicker Dan Carpenter’s wife got WAY outta pocket after watching Sherman take what many believe is a cheap shot on her husband. She has since offered a weak a$$ apology: pic.twitter.com/7mL0ibAmss — Kaela Carpenter (@KaelaCarpenter) November 9, 2016 But like we said, Dick Sherman has NO country for her… We think it’s fair to say that Kaela most likely wants to “Make America Great Again”. FDB. Image via AP/Twitter

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Keep That: Richard Sherman Calls “Bulls#!t” On Kicker’s Wife’s Hollow Apology