Tag Archives: over-each

Michael Cera Flirts with 100% Facetious Record During Playboy Interview

Look, we know Michael Cera can be a difficult interview (though we managed it ): the star is so fond of making up wild stories and sarcastic asides that you really have to dig deep to get anything real. Pity the poor Playboy interviewer, then, who caught him on the most facetious day of his life.

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Michael Cera Flirts with 100% Facetious Record During Playboy Interview

Brangelina at Super Bowl — Game On!

Filed under: Brad & Angelina Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie hit up the Super Bowl yesterday — where they appeared tighter than spiral from Drew Brees. The couple — who have been subject to a ton of breakup rumors lately — were all over each other in a private box at the game in … Permalink

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Brangelina at Super Bowl — Game On!