Tag Archives: over-the-kim

Kanye West is Furious Over the Kim Kardashian-Ray J Tape (No, Not THAT One)

Kanye West knew what he was getting into when he married Kim Kardashian. Or so he thought, at least. The rapper knew that his wife had become famous for her plowing of Ray J on camera, as the former couple had collaborated on a sex tape titled Kim Kardashian Superstar that banked them both millions. Indeed, Kanye was familiar with this tape. So was most of the American public. But a new Kim Kardashian-Ray J video emerged this week — and multiple insiders have confirmed that it’s thrown West for quite a loop. The dude is really pissed off. You’ve likely heard about it at this point, right? Radar Online obtained footage filmed at some point during Ray J and Kim’s courtship, which lasted from approximately 2003 through 2006. The raunchy tape features Kim sucking on a penis-shaped bong that is placed between Ray’s legs, while also taking a hit of marijuana straight from her then-lover’s mouth. You can click HERE to read more about it and to find a link to the video. It’s from well over a decade ago, but Kanye was apparently unaware it existed; and no one wants to be reminded that his or her spouse had wild and fun times with someone else, you know? “Kanye is not happy about the latest Kim and Ray J tape,” a source tells Hollyoow Life, adding: “Kanye is furious, has a bunch questions about the penis pipe tape and feels pretty sure Ray J is behind the latest leak.” Wow. That has to be the case, doesn’t it? Ray J was pissed a few days ago that Kim said during an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians that she was high on ecstasy when she f-cked him on video . So releasing this new video would be the perfect revenge. In case you have not yet heard, Ray J hit it first when it comes to Kim and Kanye. Adds Hollywood Life: “Kanye is demanding some answers, he wants to know why Ray J would leak this tape, and if Ray didn’t leak, then who did? “While Kim is embarrassed over the whole situation, Kanye is upset and feels disrespected.” Meanwhile, a second insider alleges that Kanye hates to be reminded of his wife’s past. Particularly the part of her past when she films herself taking it from another guy. “At one point Kanye was all about the sex tape with Kim and Ray J, but now that he is married and a father to Kim’s kids it burns him to see that the tape is still referenced and people still see it and that it is still a thing,” this source said, concluding: “He is upset that Ray J will always be remembered for the tape. But Kim is trying to reassure him that he should move on form it and focus his attention on more important things. “She doesn’t want it to become a thing even though he is starting to make it a thing.” View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian & Family: 19 Conspiracy Theories That May Actually Be True (Okay, Some of Them) You know where this is all leading, don’t you? A Kim and Kanye sex tape that West directs in order to prove that he’s the best at giving it to his better half. You heard it here first.

Originally posted here:
Kanye West is Furious Over the Kim Kardashian-Ray J Tape (No, Not THAT One)